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8 killed in attack on Pakistan’s Gwadar port

March 21, 2024 4:58 am

8 killed in attack on Pakistan's Gwadar port

Terrorists attacked Pakistan’s Gwadar Sea Port Authority complex. During this time, at least 8 terrorists were killed in a clash with members of the security forces.

Terrorists armed with weapons and bombs attacked a complex outside the port, Arab News reported on Wednesday, citing Balochistan government commissioner Saeed Ahmed Umrani. There are offices of government offices, intelligence agencies and paramilitary forces.

He said the terrorists tried to enter the complex by exploding some bombs. At that time, they clashed with members of the security forces.

Balochistan Chief Minister Sarfraz Bugti said in a message on social media that at least 8 terrorists who attacked the port were killed by the security forces. Our message is absolutely clear. No mercy will be shown to those who choose the path of violence.

The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), a prominent separatist group in Balochistan, claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement. They have been agitating for decades for the independence of Balochistan. In the statement, they said, BLA members attacked the office of Pakistan’s intelligence agency in Gwadar port.

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