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India Tops Inbound Tourism for Nepal, Indicating Recovery

March 4, 2024 1:36 pm

India Tops Inbound Tourism for Nepal, Indicating Recovery

In a positive sign for Nepal’s tourism industry, India has emerged as the leading inbound tourist market in February, according to data from the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB). Of the total 97,426 tourists arriving by air last month, 25,578 were from India. This makes India the top source of visitors, followed by China (9,180) and the US (9,089). Thailand, the UK, and Bangladesh also featured in the list.

NTB Director Mani Lamichhane noted that while the data recorded over 25,000 Indian visitors via air in February, the actual number is likely higher, considering those entering Nepal by land. This positive trend in inbound tourism suggests recovery for Nepal’s tourism sector, which has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Compared to February 2023, the recent data indicates a 33% increase in tourist arrivals by air. Furthermore, when compared to the pre-COVID period in February 2019, with 1,02,423 tourists, the recovery stands at 95.12%. The director expressed optimism, anticipating a significant increase in visitors as the tourism season picks up after March. This positive momentum is seen as an encouraging sign for the revival of Nepal’s tourism sector in 2024.

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