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Let’s work together to build a new Bangladesh: Bangladesh Chief Advisor to Businessmen

September 13, 2024 3:01 am

Let's work together to build a new Bangladesh: Bangladesh Chief Advisor to Businessmen

The Chief Advisor of the Interim Government has reiterated his determination to build a new Bangladesh with people from all walks of life. Muhammad Yunus. He said that we want to make use of the opportunity given by the students to change Bangladesh from rotten Bangladesh to a new and fresh one. On the other hand, leading businessmen said that businessmen have full confidence in the interim government.

The chief adviser said these things in the speech of the chief guest at the National Business Dialogue at a hotel in the capital on Thursday. International Chamber of Commerce-Bangladesh (ICC-B) organized the dialogue. It was attended by Finance and Trade Advisor. Salehuddin Ahmed, education and planning advisor. Wahid Uddin Mahmud.

Dr. Yunus said, the mass movement of the students was not an ordinary political movement. It was a life-long movement to reach the goal. Its aim was to build a new Bangladesh. If this opportunity did not come, there was no sign of liberation from decay. No more decay, we want to stand as a healthy nation. If traders are determined, it can be done quickly. We will build a new Bangladesh – let this be our oath.

We should not lose this opportunity. If it is lost, the nation will have nothing left. He also said that doing business is a great struggle. To confront the government, the people of the government have to be confronted. As long as we are in charge, we all want to work as a team. If everyone can take the clothes made as number one, I will feel that I have done something.

Dr. Yunus said, we may not understand everything. We have no experience. But working together, sharing everyone’s experience will become experience. Regarding reforms, he said that reforms should not be left only to the government. Reforms must be done by all. Everyone has to reform from their position. It can be done in institutions, it can be done in meetings, it can be done in events.

Dr. encourages businessmen to do social business. Yunus said, besides business, everyone can do a social business. It can be food water, hospital or environmental business for the welfare of the people of own village, thana or upazila. A part of the business profit can be kept here. If the social business stands on its own feet, you can withdraw the investment. But the business must be unprofitable.

Because, making money is fun; But making others happy is even more fun. As ICC-B President Mahbubur Rahman was sick, Mir Nasir Hossain, executive member of the organization and former FBCCI president, read his written statement. According to the written statement, a sly, nefarious faction is desperate to destabilize the interim government by creating chaos and instability in society and the economy. This evil group must be resisted and countered with full force. New Bangladesh emerged as a result of the student-led mass movement and Professor Dr. The business community has full confidence in the Yunus-led interim government. Business groups will act as catalysts to realize the dreams of the martyrs.

It also said that due to the law and order situation, brands and buyers in the outside world are reacting negatively to Bangladesh’s export industry, which is further fueled by rival countries. Due to lack of trust, there are fears about the future work orders. In this situation, it is very important to create a reliable strategy to build confidence with the big countries of the export sector and importers on an urgent basis. For this purpose, it is recommended to form a task force with the participation of the concerned ministries and the private sector.

Advisor to the Ministry of Planning and Education of the Interim Government. Wahid Uddin Mahmud said, accumulated anger against the injustice of the last 15 years. Its manifestations are visible. Unexpected events are happening in industrial areas. Together we can overcome this problem. He also said that after the transition of LDC, the local industry and export sector will have to compete. There is no substitute for efficiency, productivity enhancement and technological development to survive in global trade. We cannot move to the next stage of development or industrialization by relying on low-wage workers, low-skilled or unskilled migrant workers.

Dr. Wahid Uddin said that some businessmen have become billionaires overnight through corruption in favor of the government. They have tarnished the reputation of the country and the business community. We are not interested in putting names on the list of billionaires by misrepresenting the market economy on the world map. Rather in favor of moving the country forward with justice.

Finance and trade advisor. Salehuddin Ahmed said, confidence in the economy has returned. Reforms have started to restore confidence in banks and capital markets. Discriminatory policies like black money laundering have been abolished. Customs and Tariff work is going on in Board of Revenue. Our main goal is to keep the wheels of the economy moving by creating employment through trade and commerce. So we are trying to remove business obstacles as much as possible. Addressing the businessmen, he said, everyone does business to make profit. For this, the government will create a level playing field. But abnormal profits will not be accepted. Suddenly the price of eggs increased. Traders have made some arguments, some of which are reasonable. But the whole thing didn’t seem right.

Calling the business organizations to be representative. Salehuddin said, no one listens to the local chamber-association. There should be transparency and accountability in this regard. Chamber-associations should work for the welfare of people.

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