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Nawaz Sharif fires fresh salvo at those behind his ouster

PML-N supremo says Imran’s sponsors equally responsible for economic mess

November 26, 2023 12:05 pm

PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif speaks at the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Saturday. — PML-N/X
PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif speaks at the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Saturday. — PML-N/X

Islamabad: Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the supreme leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), launched a scathing attack on those responsible for his ouster from power in 2017, blaming them for the current state of the country. Speaking at a ceremony at the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sharif asserted that the decision to impose Imran Khan as the Prime Minister halted the progress that the country had been making.

Sharif touted the achievements of the PML-N during its tenure, emphasizing the importance of political stability and long-term policies for investor confidence and economic uplift. He claimed that had the momentum of the 1990s continued, Pakistan’s exports would have surpassed $300 billion.

Addressing those who brought Imran Khan to power, Sharif asserted, “Those who brought him [Imran Khan] are equally responsible [for the current state of the country].” He criticized the handling of the 2018 elections, alleging that despite his party’s victory, delayed election results were used to manipulate votes.

In a detailed account of the events leading to his ouster, Sharif highlighted the challenges faced by the PML-N government, citing the delay in forming the Punjab Assembly government and the controversial circumstances of Imran Khan’s election as Prime Minister.

Expressing concern over the impact of imprisoning or sending prime ministers into exile on a country’s development, Sharif lamented the downfall of a once-developing nation. He emphasized the positive indicators during the PML-N government, including low inflation, the elimination of load shedding and terrorism, and the rapid development of the country.

Sharif accused the judges of removing the representative of millions of people from power and criticized the imprisonment of his party leaders, including his daughter Maryam Nawaz, who did not hold a public office.

Turning his attention to the economic challenges faced by the public, Sharif commented on the hardship caused by inflation, stating that even individuals with a monthly income of Rs50,000 were struggling, and those earning Rs100,000 found it difficult to make ends meet.

In conclusion, Sharif pledged that the PML-N, if elected to power, would focus on revitalizing the economy and developing every sector, emphasizing the party’s commitment to agriculture and relief for farmers.

The political atmosphere in Pakistan remains charged as key figures like Nawaz Sharif continue to vocalize their perspectives on the nation’s trajectory.

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