Climate ChangeFeature

South Asian Climate Change Journalists Forum Advocates Urgent Action at COP 28

December 7, 2023 2:16 am

Masum Billah, Expo City Dubai-UAE

At the ongoing COP 28 conference in Dubai, the South Asian Climate Change Journalists Forum (SACJF) held a significant sideline event. Thoriq Ibrahim, Maldives Minister of Environment and SACJF President, highlighted the severe impact of climate change on health, infrastructure, and the economy in the region.

Minister Ibrahim emphasized the prolonged dry periods affecting the Maldives, leading to water scarcity and logistical challenges in supplying drinking water to islands. He underscored the need for substantial funding and international support to enhance infrastructure and coastal protection against climate change-induced disasters.

Despite the Maldives contributing only 0.0035% of global emissions, Minister Ibrahim urged developed nations to fulfill their commitments and ensure prompt access to climate damage funds. He also stressed the economic repercussions of climate change, particularly on tourism and fishing industries, urging global cooperation for a sustainable future.

South Asian Climate Change Journalists Forum Advocates Urgent Action at COP 28

SACJF President Ashish Gupta outlined the forum’s commitment to creating awareness on climate change through news publications across the subcontinent.

Executive President Keramat Ulla Biplab emphasized the importance of collaboration with governments and international organizations to facilitate swift decisions in tackling climate change challenges.

Asaduzzaman Samrat, SACJF Founder, pointed out the alarming rise in sea levels due to melting Himalayan ice, leading to an increasing number of climate refugees in Bangladesh. He highlighted the inadequacy of funds allocated to the Green Climate Fund and the Loss and Damage Fund, despite promises from rich countries.

Vice President Rabnawaz Choudhary stressed the need for unified efforts among South Asian governments to efficiently address climate change. He highlighted the accelerated melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, floods, and their devastating impact on livelihoods, infrastructure, and food security in the region. Calling for urgent financial assistance from developed nations, Chowdhury urged a collective response to the disproportionate impact of climate change on developing countries.

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