
This photograph taken on January 28, 2024 shows a general view of the China Town complex housing several Chinese enterprises in Kabul. While most of the world treats Afghanistan's Taliban government as a pariah, China is growing diplomatic and economic links -- and Kabul is happy for the attention. The prize in all this is access to Afghanistan's wealth of untapped mineral resources -- as well as a market for Chinese goods. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP) /

This photograph taken on January 28, 2024 shows a general view of the China Town complex housing several Chinese enterprises in Kabul. While most of the world treats Afghanistan’s Taliban government as a pariah, China is growing diplomatic and economic links — and Kabul is happy for the attention. The prize in all this is access to Afghanistan’s wealth of untapped mineral resources — as well as a market for Chinese goods. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP) /

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