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Bangladesh-China agreed to give a new shape to the relationship

July 12, 2024 2:07 am

Bangladesh-China agreed to give a new shape to the relationship

Both sides agreed to upgrade Bangladesh-China relations from ‘strategic partnership’ to ‘comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership’.

This was informed in a joint statement on Thursday.

Bangladesh’s foreign ministry released a 27-point joint statement on its website after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina concluded her three-day bilateral visit to China from June 8 to 10.

The Prime Minister returned home from China’s capital Beijing early this morning.

According to the joint statement, both sides agreed that the only way to solve the problem of displaced people from Myanmar, who have taken refuge in Bangladesh, is to repatriate them quickly.

The statement added that the leaders of the two countries agreed to remain committed to the five principles of peaceful coexistence, promote long-standing friendship, build greater synergy between the development strategies of the two countries, promote Belt and Road cooperation, and enhance bilateral relations through a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. has been

Bangladesh and China appreciated their strategic partnership of cooperation established in 2016 and agreed that China-Bangladesh relations have reached a new height.

The two countries decided to take the opportunity to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Bangladesh diplomatic relations in 2025. They want to work together to plan together for the future development of bilateral relations and take China-Bangladesh relations to another new height.

Below is the joint statement between the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on the establishment of a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership:

1. Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina paid an official visit to China from July 8 to 10, 2024 at the invitation of the Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Li Qiang.

During the visit, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina met President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China, held talks with Prime Minister Li Qiang and met with Wang Huning, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. In a cordial and friendly atmosphere, the two sides had in-depth discussions and reached consensus on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual interest.

2. Bangladesh congratulated China on the 75th founding anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and praised China’s historic achievements and changes in economic and social development in the new era.

China considers itself a great modern socialist country in all respects and Bangladesh appreciates the efforts of the great renaissance of the Chinese nation to advance the path of modernization. Bangladesh has expressed its sincere wish to realize the Chinese dream of China’s national renaissance.

China congratulated the People’s Republic of Bangladesh after holding the 12th National Parliament election and congratulated Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina-led Bangladesh Awami League for winning the general election.

China applauds Bangladesh’s achievements in economic and social development and continues to support Bangladesh’s elevation from UN least developed country (LDC) status in 2026 as planned. At the same time, China appreciated Bangladesh’s steady progress in implementing the ‘Smart Bangladesh Vision-2041’.

3. The two sides praised the strategic partnership of cooperation established in 2016 and agreed that China-Bangladesh relations have reached a new height.

The leaders of the two countries agreed to remain committed to the five principles of peaceful coexistence, promote long-lasting friendship, build greater synergy between the development strategies of the two countries, advance Belt and Road cooperation, and improve bilateral relations.

The two countries decided to use the opportunity of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Bangladesh diplomatic relations in 2025 to plan together for the future development of bilateral relations and take the relationship to another new height.

4. Both sides agreed that China and Bangladesh have been good neighbors and good friends since ancient times. They have a millennia-old history of friendly exchanges.

In the past 49 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the traditional China-Bangladesh friendship forged by generations of leaders from both countries has grown from strength to strength. The two countries have always respected each other, treated each other equally and enjoyed mutual benefits.

The two countries have achieved fruitful results in their practical cooperation while strengthening mutual trust and maintaining close cooperation in international and regional affairs. Thus setting an excellent example of friendship and mutual cooperation in relations between countries.

5. Both sides reiterated their commitment to mutual respect for each other’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and to mutual understanding and support in matters of each other’s core interests and major concerns.

China strongly supports Bangladesh to maintain peace and stability, achieve the development goals planned under Vision-2041, not interfere in its internal affairs and independently choose a development path that suits its national situation. Both sides insisted that the authority of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 was unquestioned and unchallenged.

Bangladesh reiterated its firm commitment to the one-China policy and its position that the government of the People’s Republic of China represents the whole of China in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and that Taiwan is part of China and that Bangladesh supports China in matters related to China’s core interests and China’s efforts.

6. Both sides agreed to enhance strategic communication and deepen strategic mutual trust through visits, exchanges of letters and meetings at multilateral events. Both sides agreed to promote closer exchanges and cooperation at government and people-to-people levels.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with exchanges between political parties, especially ruling parties, to exchange views on issues of mutual interest.

7. Dhaka expressed gratitude and thanks for China’s support for the economic and social development of Bangladesh. China appreciates the important role that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has played in the socio-economic development of the people of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has been hailed by China as the first country in South Asia to join and participate in the BRI.

The two sides agreed to increase exchange of experience in development planning and economic development policies, and to deepen Belt and Road cooperation under the principles of planning together, building together and benefiting together. Both sides will accelerate existing cooperation projects, expand areas of cooperation and work towards more fruitful results in practical cooperation between the two countries.

China has supported Bangladesh’s plan to implement Bangladesh’s Southern Integrated Development Initiative under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative to help achieve balanced and sustainable development in the region.

8. Both sides recognized the development of ICT infra-network for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Tunnel under Karnaphuli River, Modernization of Telecommunication Network Project, Phase-Three of Bangladesh Government (Information-Government 3) and Single Point Mooring (Information-Government 3). Expressed satisfaction with the progress of major bilateral cooperation projects like Double Pipeline Project and Padma Setu Rail Link Project, Power System Network Expansion and Strengthening Project under DPDC Area, Power Grid Network Strengthening Project under PGB. Dhaka-Ashulia Elevated Expressway and Rajshahi Surface Water Treatment Plant Project.

The two parties agreed to extend Teletalk’s 4-G mobile broadband network to the union level for small-scale municipalities (municipalities) in Bangladesh, procurement of new vessels, water supply, sanitation, drainage, solid waste and faecal disposal management and sewerage projects under Dasherkandi STP catchment of Dhaka city. Agreed, sewage collection system.

Bangladesh will encourage Chinese enterprises to actively participate in subways, metrorails and roads, oil and gas exploration, hospitals and water resources and sewage management projects.

Both sides agreed to advance projects such as burn unit of Chittagong Medical College Hospital, renovation of No. 6 Bangladesh-China Friendship Bridge, No. 9 Bangladesh-China Friendship Bridge and National Emergency Operations Center in Bangladesh.

China is ready to continue providing assistance to Bangladesh according to its capabilities and has positively considered the possibility of building hospitals and bridges and renovating convention centers to support Bangladesh’s economic and social development.

China will continue to provide support for Bangladesh’s human resource development training programs under the framework of ‘China Aid’.

9. The two sides agreed to deepen cooperation in trade, investment and financing, complete the joint feasibility study of China-Bangladesh Free Trade Agreement and start formal negotiations as soon as possible. China completed the process of exporting fresh mangoes to Bangladesh and welcomed Bangladesh to expand exports of jute, leather, aquatic products and other high-quality specialty products to China.

Both sides agreed to strengthen communication on the export of high-quality Bangladeshi agricultural products to China.

Both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in trade development. China welcomes Bangladesh’s participation in China International Import Expo, China Import and Export Fair, China-South Asia Expo and other expos. Both sides discussed future cooperation on trade facilitation, assistance and financing for projects or programs.

Bangladesh has appreciated China for providing zero-tariff facility on 98 percent of taxable items effective September 1, 2022. A transitional period for Bangladesh after 2026 when Bangladesh exits LDC status.

Both sides agreed to start negotiations on upgrading the China-Bangladesh Investment Treaty as soon as possible. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the progress of Chinese venture investment projects in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh welcomes more investment by Chinese enterprises in areas such as economic and industrial parks, oil and gas exploration, new energy, water resources and sewage management, garments and other manufacturing sectors, reiterating Bangladesh’s commitment to security and protection of legitimate rights. All foreign investment interests, including Chinese projects and workers in Bangladesh, both sides agreed to deepen cooperation in infrastructure and construction projects with PPP models.

Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation on financial regulation and encourage increased use of local currency settlements in bilateral trade.

10. Expressing its willingness to support and participate in the construction of ‘Smart Bangladesh’, China expressed hope for cooperation between digital and ICT think tanks of the two countries and joint efforts to establish a digital innovation lab to enhance digital capabilities.

The two sides agreed to strengthen investment cooperation in the field of digital economy. The Chinese side will support bilateral exchanges in digital economy industries, encourage Chinese software companies to empower Bangladesh’s digital infrastructure development, and explore the establishment of China-Bangladesh innovation cooperation mechanisms in cloud computing to develop Bangladesh’s digital and ICT industries.

China expressed its readiness to cooperate on the ‘International Port for Information Industry and Digital Trade’ to promote the digitalization of bilateral trade. Bangladesh applauds and thanks for these initiatives.

11. The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in areas such as agriculture, meteorology, water management and environmental protection.

Both sides agreed to use the China-Bangladesh Joint Agriculture Committee to further explore cooperation in hybrid rice and wheat breeding, planting techniques and agricultural machinery equipment, so as to promote the common development of the two countries in agriculture and food security.

Both sides expressed willingness to strengthen cooperation in hydrological forecasting, river dredging, integrated management of water resources and flood and drought prevention.

Appreciating Bangladesh’s efforts to combat the adverse effects of climate change, China reiterated its commitment to continue cooperation with Bangladesh at both bilateral and international levels.

The two sides will leverage the BRI International Green Development Alliance and other platforms to deepen exchanges and cooperation in pollution prevention and control and environmental protection to jointly promote green and low-carbon development. Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation in prevention and mitigation of weather-related disasters to jointly implement the UN’s ‘Early Warning for All’ initiative.

12. Both sides agreed to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of health, encouraging medical institutions of both countries to deepen practical cooperation in prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases, and digitization and promotion of health services. Technological exchange in research and development of pharmaceuticals, vaccines and medical devices.

13. Both sides recognized the important role of educational exchange and cooperation in enhancing understanding and friendship between the two countries and agreed to promote the exchange between students, teachers and researchers at various levels, encouraging educational institutions of the two sides to cooperate. Pursuing research and joint training and practical collaboration in higher, vocational and digital education and teaching Bengali and Chinese languages.

The two sides will support universities in China and Bangladesh to co-build Confucius Institutes, encourage educational institutions in the two countries to add major and optional courses in Chinese and Bengali, and support each other in building language skills. Both parties agreed to set up a Luban workshop in Bangladesh.

14. Both sides agreed to deepen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation and designated 2025 as the ‘China-Bangladesh Year of People-to-People Exchanges’ for cultural exchanges between the two countries. . Where tourism, media, think tanks, sports, youth, women and persons with disabilities will develop exchange relations.

The two sides will encourage strong exchange and exchange of experiences between artists of the two countries in fine arts, music, dance, theater and film.

Both sides will support each other in carrying out cultural and tourism exchange promotion activities and strengthen communication, coordination and practical cooperation in tourism policy.

Both sides will further enhance exchanges and cooperation in broadcasting, television and online audio visual services and support policy dialogue, broadcasting of each other’s programs, personnel exchange and technical cooperation.

Both sides will encourage their sports organizations to maintain communication and coordination on international sports matters.

Both sides will actively cooperate in women empowerment and economic partnership, training of women.

Both sides will strengthen cooperation related to persons with disabilities, focus on training and technical exchanges for persons with disabilities, such as rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, employment and sports, support the advancement of persons with disabilities.

Both sides fully support the China Studies Center to play its role and support exchange and dialogue between think tanks and scholars of both sides.

15. Both sides agreed to enhance maritime and economic cooperation in marine monitoring, disaster prevention and mitigation, ocean-to-climate forecasting system (OSF) and early warning and mitigation of marine hazards. China will help make Bangladesh more efficient in maritime affairs. Both sides agreed to set the first date for the second round of maritime cooperation dialogue.

16. Both China and Bangladesh are important representatives of Asian civilization and play an essential role in preserving Asian cultural heritage. The two sides will actively expand exchanges and cooperation in the research and protection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

China highly praised Bangladesh for joining the Asian Cultural Heritage Alliance as an observer country and looks forward to Bangladesh becoming a member country soon, so that both sides can work under the framework of the Asian Initiative. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation in cultural heritage preservation, ancient civilization research, joint archaeological exploration, restoration of historical sites and exchanges between museums.

17. The two sides discussed various aspects of global development initiatives launched by President Xi Jinping. China is ready to share experience with Bangladesh on GDI issue. China presented the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) on behalf of Bangladesh to ensure peace, development and shared prosperity for all.

18. Regarding defense cooperation, the two sides agreed to strengthen more exchanges at all levels and between different armed forces and departments, and to deepen practical cooperation in the field of defense. Both sides agreed to maintain their mutual understanding and engagement on UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding issues.

19. The two sides agreed to strengthen coordination on international and multilateral issues, and to further coordinate positions on international peace and security, sustainable development, human rights, humanitarian affairs, climate change, energy transition and multilateral processes, and environmental protection, to jointly protect the common interests of developing countries. Ready to build greater consensus.

20. Keeping in mind the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence this year, both sides agreed on the need to advance the Five Principles of Mutual Respect for Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity, Mutual Non-Aggression, Mutual Non-Interference.

Both parties agreed to firmly uphold the international system with the United Nations, the international system established by international law and the basic rules governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. Working together to uphold multilateralism, promote greater democracy in international relations and an equal and orderly multilateral world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

21. Both sides agreed to strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral organizations and mechanisms such as the United Nations, World Trade Organization and the ASEAN Regional Forum.

China welcomes Bangladesh’s bid for BRICS membership and its interest in joining the SCO.

Bangladesh praised China for its successful establishment of the International Day for Dialogue Among Civilizations and its important role in promoting mutual understanding and respect among civilizations, cultures and religions.

China congratulated Bangladesh on the 25th anniversary of the flagship resolution on ‘Culture of Peace’ first proposed by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in 1999.

22. Both sides agree that the fundamental way out of the ongoing crisis in Gaza is the implementation of the two-state solution and the establishment of Palestine as an independent state.

The relevant resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council are binding and should be effectively implemented immediately to achieve an unconditional and permanent ceasefire. Both sides called on the international community to address the Palestinian question with greater urgency and step-by-step efforts to resume peace talks and achieve lasting peace.

23. Both sides are of the view that the promotion and protection of human rights and the rights to livelihood and development are paramount.

Both sides support the exchange and cooperation of human rights among all countries on the basis of equality and mutual respect, uphold the common values ​​of humanity, oppose the politicization of human rights, and are committed to jointly promoting fair progress in all aspects of international humanity.

24. Rapid repatriation is the only way to solve the problem of the displaced people of Myanmar’s Rakhine State, who have taken refuge in Bangladesh.

Both sides called on all sides in Myanmar to resolve their differences through dialogue and consultation and insisted on ending hostilities in Rakhine State as soon as possible.

Bangladesh expressed its gratitude and requested China to continue its constructive role in facilitating negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the issue of displaced people in Rakhine State.

China appreciated Bangladesh’s efforts over the years to provide humanitarian assistance to displaced people and expressed support to Bangladesh and Myanmar to find a mutually acceptable solution through friendly negotiations and following existing repatriation arrangements between the countries.

China will continue to provide support to this end to the best of its ability, including providing a platform for discussions to help displaced people achieve their speedy repatriation.

25. Both sides agree that climate change is a global challenge. It is essential for all countries to work together in accordance with the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective powers within a multilateral framework to advance the full and effective implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement.

26. During the visit, both sides signed documents on trade and investment, digital economy, financial regulation, education cooperation, radio and television, medical services and public health, infrastructure cooperation, green and low carbon development, agricultural cooperation, hydropower forecasting and cooperation.

27. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed her sincere gratitude to the government and people of the People’s Republic of China for the friendship and warm hospitality extended to her and her delegation and invited the Chinese leaders to visit Bangladesh.

Chinese leaders thanked Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for the invitation and both sides will maintain contact through diplomatic channels.

Source: Chinese Embassy in America

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