
A new dimension in Pakistan-Iran relations

April 23, 2024 2:09 am

A new dimension in Pakistan-Iran relations

President of Iran. The Punjab government on Tuesday declared a local holiday in Lahore district to avoid public inconvenience ahead of the visit of foreign dignitaries including Ibrahim Raisi to Pakistan.

President of Iran. Ibrahim Raisi left Pakistan on an official visit on Monday (April 22, 2024). He will stay in the country till April 24 (Wednesday).

Pakistan’s foreign office said he will also visit Lahore and Karachi and meet provincial leaders.

The Sindh government also declared a public holiday for Tuesday in Karachi division a day earlier.

Meanwhile, the Times of India said in a report on Monday that the president of Iran. Ibrahim Raisi is visiting Islamabad with the aim of mending relations after the cross-border tensions.

But amid fears of US sanctions, there is also the possibility of starting work on strategic plans for a gas pipeline between Iran and Pakistan.

A delicate balancing act unfolds as Pakistan juggles international relations to meet its energy needs.

Stakeholders are keeping an eye on the high-stakes negotiations and the potential ramifications of breaching the deal.

Political analysts believe that this harmony between the Shia Muslim and Sunni Muslim countries can add a new dimension to international politics during the direct attack and counter attack of Iran with Israel.

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