
Bhutan Eases Travel Costs for Bangladeshi Tourists: A Boost for Bilateral Relations

June 4, 2024 6:57 am

Bhutan Eases Travel Costs for Bangladeshi Tourists: A Boost for Bilateral Relations

In a significant move to enhance tourism and strengthen bilateral ties, the Bhutanese government has announced a reduction in the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) for Bangladeshi tourists. As per the new policy, Bangladeshi travelers will now pay only $15 as SDF, aligning with the fee charged to Indian tourists. This change, confirmed by Bhutan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs via a Facebook post, is expected to encourage greater tourism from Bangladesh.

The revised policy permits up to 15,000 Bangladeshi tourists to visit Bhutan annually at this reduced rate. This initiative underscores the deepening relationship between Bangladesh and Bhutan, which has been bolstered under the leadership of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The new visa policy came into effect on Sunday, marking a new chapter in the tourism dynamics between the two nations.

Historically, Bhutan had imposed a $200 SDF on tourists in 2022, which was subsequently reduced to $100 last year. Despite these reductions, Bangladeshi tourists continued to pay the higher fee, unlike Indian tourists who were charged $15. The latest adjustment now extends this favorable rate to Bangladeshi visitors, reflecting Bhutan’s commitment to fostering closer ties with its South Asian neighbors.

The reduction in travel fees is expected to have a positive impact on Bhutan’s tourism sector, making the country more accessible to Bangladeshi travelers. It also signifies Bhutan’s strategic approach to diversify its tourism market while strengthening regional cooperation.

This development is not just a financial adjustment but a gesture of goodwill, reflecting the warm and cordial relations between Bangladesh and Bhutan. It is anticipated to pave the way for increased cultural exchange, mutual understanding, and economic benefits for both nations.

As the new policy takes effect, it remains to be seen how it will influence tourist inflow and bilateral relations in the long term. However, the initial response from Bangladeshi travelers and tour operators has been overwhelmingly positive, indicating a bright future for Bhutan-Bangladesh tourism and diplomatic relations.

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