
BJP is far from majority

June 4, 2024 7:43 am

BJP is far from majority

The results of the Lok Sabha elections in India, the world’s largest democratic country, will be announced today. After a few hours it will be decided who will rule India for the next 5 years.

The latest results, or ‘trends’, on the country’s National Election Commission website at 11:30 a.m. Indian time showed the ruling party, the BJP, far short of its target of 272 seats needed for a majority.

Out of a total of 543 Lok Sabha seats, the BJP has single-handedly won or is ahead in a total of 237 seats, at least 35 short of a majority.

After that, the opposition party Congress is ahead in the most seats – 97. It is quite clear that the Congress is going to do its best since the 2009 elections.

Apart from this, Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh and Trinamool Congress in West Bengal are also doing very well. Samajwadi Party is currently leading in 34 seats and Trinamool Congress in 29 seats.

In India’s Lok Sabha elections, it was assumed that the BJP alliance would not need to gain any momentum to win. However, the two main political alliances are in a face-to-face position after proving the Boothferat survey wrong.

One is the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA), the other is the opposition ‘India’ alliance, which includes the main opposition Congress.

NDA is a centre-right party, while India Alliance is centre-left.

Even though Narendra Modi is the NDA chief, the All India alliance is yet to pick a candidate for its prime ministerial post.

Booth return polls suggest that the NDA is likely to get a majority in India’s 543-seat parliament.

If this happens, Narendra Modi will come to power in India for the third consecutive term.

Source: BBC

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