
BNP mulls withdrawing support to ruling coalition

July 3, 2023 4:49 pm

The Balochistan National Party (BNP), a main ally of the ruling coalition, is reportedly upset with the government, and has started considering withdrawing its support.

A consultative meeting of the party leadership was held in Khuzdar under the chairmanship of BNP chief Akhtar Mengal, a private news channel reported. The meeting discussed the overall political situation of the country.

The meeting also expressed concern over the law and order situation of Balochistan. During the meeting, a proposal to consider withdrawing from the ruling coalition government was also mulled over.

It was decided that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and other coalition party leaders will be informed about the BNP’s reservations. The meeting decided that if the circumstances do not improve, the party will part ways with the government.

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