
Congress Alleges Violation of Election Laws: Seeks Action Against Modi’s Comments on Muslims

April 23, 2024 8:06 am

Congress Alleges Violation of Election Laws: Seeks Action Against Modi's Comments on Muslims

In a significant development ahead of India’s ongoing elections, the main opposition party, Congress, has filed a petition with the Election Commission, accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of making remarks deemed “deeply objectionable” and in violation of election laws regarding religious sentiments.

The controversy stems from Modi’s recent campaign speech where he referred to Muslims as “infiltrators,” a statement that has ignited widespread condemnation from opposition factions, according to Reuters.

During his address, Modi highlighted the Congress party’s manifesto, alleging it advocated for the confiscation and redistribution of Indian wealth, a claim refuted by the Congress.

Drawing from past remarks by former Congress Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2006, Modi insinuated that prioritizing resources for minority Muslims could lead to wealth distribution to “infiltrators” and those with “more children.”

Modi’s remarks, in line with his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) stance, often associate Muslim militants from across the Pakistani border as “infiltrators.” Additionally, concerns over Muslim population growth have been raised within BJP circles, fearing a demographic shift against the majority Hindu population.

Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi emphasized that Modi’s statement violated election laws, prohibiting candidates from soliciting votes based on religion, community, or religious symbols. Singhvi urged the Election Commission to take action against Modi, stressing the need for equal treatment under the law.

While the Election Commission has yet to respond to these allegations, Modi’s government has consistently denied accusations of discrimination against Muslims, asserting its commitment to the welfare of all citizens.

Under electoral regulations, the Election Commission holds the authority to address complaints by issuing advisories, imposing campaign restrictions, or initiating legal action against repeat offenders.

As India’s seven-week-long election progresses, the outcome of Congress’s petition against Modi’s remarks underscores the importance of upholding electoral integrity and fair campaigning practices in the world’s largest democracy.

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