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Corona vaccine side effects, lawsuit against AstraZeneca in India

May 3, 2024 1:47 am

Corona vaccine side effects, lawsuit against AstraZeneca in India

British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has been sued in India. An Indian lawyer filed a case in the Supreme Court requesting an investigation into the side effects of Covishield vaccine. He also called for compensation for those who suffered side effects in India due to this vaccine.

AstraZeneca said the coronavirus vaccine it developed could cause ‘very rare TTS’ symptoms. Due to this, the platelets in the human blood decrease and the blood clots inside the body.

Vaccines are made to survive the pandemic corona. However, after taking the vaccine, many people were saying that it has side effects. Acknowledging the truth of the rumours, AstraZeneca recently stated that their corona vaccine CoviShield has side effects.

During the Corona pandemic, Indians along with the rest of the world took AstraZeneca’s CoviShield vaccine as a vaccine. After admitting the side effects, after Britain, a case has been filed against the company in the Supreme Court of India in public interest.

A lawyer named Vishal Tiwari has filed a public interest case in the Supreme Court of India demanding an investigation into the side effects of CoviShield as well as compensation. Also, Vishal Tiwari’s plea to the apex court, that an expert panel comprising doctors from All India Institute of Medical Sciences or AIIMS be constituted to examine the exact risk of this vaccine.

This is not the first case against AstraZeneca. In 2023, a man named Jamie Scott filed the first case against the company in a British court. It was alleged that after taking Covishield in April 2021, he suffered a brain hemorrhage and clot. As a result, his normal performance has decreased.

51 lawsuits have been filed in the British High Court against AstraZeneca claiming nearly 100 million pounds in the same complaint.

In a document recently submitted to a British court, AstraZeneca said its coronavirus vaccine could cause “very rare TTS” symptoms. Due to this, the platelets in the human blood decrease and the blood clots inside the body.

Apart from this, various problems including headache, abdominal pain, swelling of legs, difficulty in breathing and lack of attention can occur. Anyone experiencing these symptoms is advised to seek medical attention immediately.

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