
Eid prayer in mass congregation if weather permits : Islamic Ministry

April 17, 2023 6:26 am

Worshippers perform Eid al-Fitr prayer in a mass congregation in a stadium in Male' City on the Islamic year 1439.
Worshippers perform Eid al-Fitr prayer in a mass congregation in a stadium in Male’ City on the Islamic year 1439.

Male: The annual Eid al-Fitr prayer will be held in mass congregation this year if the weather permits, states the Islamic Ministry.

Islamic Ministry states that mass congregations will be held at six locations in the greater Male’ area, including three in Male’ City.

The locations:

Maafannu Stadium, Male’ City
Islamic Center and Republic Square area, Male’ City
King Salman Mosque, Male’ City
Hulhumale’ Synthetic Track, Hulhumale’ Phase I
Cricket Stadium (near H16), Hulhumale’ Phase II
Football Stadium, Vilimale’
Islamic Ministry states that if the weather does not permit for mass congregations, Eid prayer will be held in all mosques that perform Friday prayer.

Islamic Ministry advises prayer-goers to bring perform the wudu from home and bring their own prayer mats, water bottle, and non-plastic bag to put their footwear.

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