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Former PM Manmohan Singh Expresses Concerns Over Modi’s Election Rhetoric

May 31, 2024 5:54 am

Former PM Manmohan Singh Expresses Concerns Over Modi's Election Rhetoric

In a significant statement reflecting the intense political climate ahead of the final phase of voting, former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has voiced strong criticism against current Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s election campaign. Singh, known for his composed and measured demeanor, highlighted his dismay over what he described as Modi’s divisive and unparliamentary rhetoric.

Speaking through an open letter addressed to the nation on Thursday, May 30, Singh remarked on the unprecedented nature of Modi’s language and approach. “Modi has been giving vile hate speech all the time,” Singh stated, underscoring his concern over the derogatory remarks directed at specific sections of society and the opposition. He lamented that Modi’s conduct has, in his view, diminished the dignity of the Prime Minister’s office.

Singh’s comments, reported by NDTV, reflect his perception of a shift in political discourse under Modi’s leadership. He accused the Prime Minister of engaging in “divisive politics” and using language that targets particular groups and political adversaries. “The way he (Modi) spoke is unparliamentary and lowly,” Singh asserted, emphasizing that this style of communication is unlike any he has witnessed from previous Prime Ministers.

In his appeal, Singh urged citizens to rise above the divisive tactics and vote for a future characterized by unity and progress. He called for maintaining peace and harmony, advocating for a focus on development and integrated progress. “I am appealing to each of you with folded hands to give opportunities for love, peace, brotherhood and harmony,” he said, encouraging voters, particularly in Punjab, to choose the Congress party for a “growth-oriented progressive future” where democracy and the Constitution are upheld.

Singh’s message is a call to action for voters to reject what he sees as harmful political strategies and to support a vision of India that embraces inclusivity and respect for all communities. As the nation approaches the final phase of voting, his words add a reflective and cautionary note to the ongoing electoral discourse.

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