
Imran Khan’s party got permission for the rally

June 2, 2024 4:52 am

Imran Khan's party got permission for the rally

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), the party of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, received permission to hold a rally in Pakistan. The administration has given permission to hold the rally on June 8. However, this rally should be organized in Rawat area instead of F-9 Park in Islamabad. Also, certain conditions and rules must be followed for this.

According to the country’s administration, PTI had applied for permission to hold a rally in Fatima Jinnah Park (F-9) area.

For this opinion is taken from SSP, intelligence agency and special branch. But law and order authorities said it was not possible to allow them to gather in Islamabad considering the situation.

Instead they were asked to rally in Rawat area. 39 conditions have been given for this.

Earlier, PTI Chairman Gohar Khan applied to the Lahore High Court for permission to hold the rally. The petition argues that PTI is a political party and whenever it announces a rally or rally, the police start arresting and harassing its workers.

The petition further stated that PTI central secretariat was also illegally sealed by the government.

PTI should be allowed to hold public meetings and rallies across the province, the petition said. Also arrest of its workers and registration of cases against them should be stopped.

Punjab Home Department, Inspector General of Police and other government authorities were made respondents in the writ petition.

Source: Don

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