Climate ChangeIndia

India and Myanmar were shaken by earthquakes three times in a row

May 30, 2024 4:05 am

India and Myanmar were shaken by earthquakes three times in a row

Bangladesh’s two neighboring countries, India and Myanmar, were shaken by three earthquakes in a span of six hours. Of these, two earthquakes hit Myanmar, and one in India. No damage has been reported so far in these mild to moderate earthquakes.

The data of India’s National Seismological Center (NCS) says that on Wednesday (May 29) at 1:32 PM Bangladesh time, the first earthquake shook the northwestern region of neighboring Myanmar. Its magnitude was 3.2 on the Richter scale. This area is not far from Sylhet border of Bangladesh. A few minutes later, the earthquake was felt in Himachal Pradesh, India. The magnitude of the earthquake that hit Lahaul and Spiti region was 3.1.

Another earthquake hit Myanmar this evening. Although the first one was mild, the earthquake that struck at 7:13 pm Bangladesh time was of moderate magnitude. Its magnitude was 5.6 on the Richter scale. The impact of this earthquake was also felt in Bangladesh and India.

Mild tremors were felt from Guwahati in Assam to Shillong in Meghalaya due to the earthquake that struck Myanmar in the evening, Indian media reported.

Dhaka, Sylhet, Chittagong also reported mild earthquakes in Bangladesh.

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