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India Asserts Democratic Values Amidst International Scrutiny, Responds to US Criticism

April 28, 2024 3:01 am

India Asserts Democratic Values Amidst International Scrutiny, Responds to US Criticism

In a bold reaffirmation of democratic principles, India’s Ministry of External Affairs issued a statement emphasizing the importance of maintaining a delicate balance between freedom of expression and public safety within the framework of democracy.

The statement, articulated by ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal, underscored the intrinsic nature of democracy as a system judged primarily by its actions within its own borders rather than by external commentary. Jaiswal’s remarks came in response to recent developments in the United States, where the arrest of numerous pro-Palestinian students has sparked controversy and raised questions about civil liberties.

Highlighting India’s commitment to democratic values, Jaiswal emphasized the need for all democracies to exhibit understanding and respect for the diverse perspectives and challenges faced by their counterparts. He stressed that while criticisms may arise, the true measure of democracy lies in its ability to uphold fundamental rights and principles at home.

The backdrop of Jaiswal’s statement is significant, given recent reports from various departments of the US administration that have drawn attention to perceived shortcomings in India’s human rights and political landscape. Despite these criticisms, India remains steadfast in its commitment to democratic governance and the protection of individual liberties.

Addressing concerns about the safety of Indian students amidst ongoing protests on US campuses, Jaiswal assured that India is closely monitoring the situation. The proactive stance reflects India’s unwavering dedication to safeguarding the interests and well-being of its citizens, both domestically and abroad.

As debates surrounding democracy and human rights continue to reverberate on the global stage, India’s assertive defense of its democratic values serves as a reminder of the enduring significance of these principles in shaping international discourse and relations.

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