
India-Oman Lecture Series Celebrates Rich Tapestry of Historical Ties and Community Contributions

May 5, 2024 3:49 am

India-Oman Lecture Series Celebrates Rich Tapestry of Historical Ties and Community Contributions

Muscat: The culmination of the ‘Mandvi to Muscat’ lecture series has marked a significant milestone in fostering awareness about the enduring contributions of the Indian community in bolstering the ties between India and Oman. Organized by the Indian embassy in Muscat, this landmark series has underscored the shared history and cultural exchanges that have strengthened the special relationship between the two nations.

Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of proactive engagement with the Indian diaspora worldwide, the ‘Mandvi to Muscat’ lecture series has served as a platform for promoting a deeper understanding of the Indian community’s journey in Oman. Over the course of eight months, the series has shed light on the diverse narratives and experiences that have shaped the historical connections between India and Oman.

The final lecture, delivered by Prof Dr. Calvin Allen, provided a comprehensive overview of the rich history of the Indian diaspora in Oman, spanning from ancient trade routes to contemporary collaborations. Dr. Allen’s insights illuminated the cultural exchanges and socio-economic interactions that have fostered a strong bond between the two countries.

The event, held at the Mahajan Recreation Centre in Al Wadi Al Kabir, witnessed the participation of over 300 attendees, including dignitaries, scholars, and prominent members from Omani, Indian, and Indian-Omani communities. From tracing the evolution of Indian schools in Oman to highlighting the inclusive ethos of Omani society through narratives of Hindu temples, the lectures offered a holistic perspective on the shared heritage of the two nations.

Amit Narang, Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman, emphasized the significance of the lecture series in revitalizing awareness about the Indian community’s role in strengthening India-Oman ties. He announced that the papers presented during the series would be compiled and published into a book, further perpetuating the legacy of this scholarly endeavor.

The ‘Mandvi to Muscat’ series, inaugurated by Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan in October 2023, has garnered widespread acclaim for its comprehensive exploration of the historical connections between India and Oman. Distinguished academics, historians, and anthropologists from Oman, India, the US, and UAE have contributed to enriching the discourse, ensuring a nuanced understanding of the shared heritage and cultural bonds that unite the two nations.

As the curtain falls on this enlightening journey, the ‘Mandvi to Muscat’ lecture series leaves behind a legacy of scholarship, community engagement, and a deeper appreciation for the enduring ties between India and Oman.

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