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India Pledges Support for African Sovereignty and Development in UN Address

May 26, 2024 8:10 am

India Pledges Support for African Sovereignty and Development in UN Address

In a transformative address to the United Nations Security Council, India’s Permanent Representative, Ruchira Kamboj, declared India’s firm dedication to advancing African sovereignty and development. This commitment comes amidst growing calls for equitable representation and empowerment of African nations in global governance.

Speaking under the agenda “Maintenance of international peace and security,” Kamboj drew attention to the deep historical and cultural bonds between India and Africa, emphasizing India’s support for a genuinely multipolar world order where Africa plays a pivotal role. “Africa’s rise is crucial for achieving global balance,” she asserted, underscoring India’s intention to back Africa’s developmental goals through both bilateral and multilateral platforms.

Kamboj stressed the intrinsic link between peace and development, arguing that one cannot exist without the other. She advocated for sustainable economic growth through targeted investments in key sectors like education, health, infrastructure, agriculture, and energy. Kamboj called for partnerships that empower African nations and respect their autonomy, aligning with their strategic priorities.

A key highlight of her speech was the call for comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council to include permanent seats for African countries. This, she argued, is essential for addressing global power imbalances and ensuring Africa’s voice is heard in international decision-making processes. “The exclusion of Africa from the permanent category of the Security Council is a glaring oversight that undermines the Council’s legitimacy,” Kamboj declared, aligning with the Ezulwini Consensus, which advocates for at least two permanent seats for African nations.

Addressing the security challenges in Africa, particularly the threat of terrorism, Kamboj emphasized the need for a regional and collaborative approach. She advocated for strengthening African-led initiatives and ensuring that peacekeeping missions are adequately resourced and strategically planned. “The spread of terrorism in Africa demands urgent attention and collective action,” she noted, urging the international community to provide the necessary support to combat these threats effectively.

Kamboj highlighted the barriers in tackling terrorism, including limited capacities and inconsistent funding. She called for sustained financial and technical assistance to address these issues comprehensively. “Effective peacekeeping requires clear mandates, sufficient resources, and respect for African sovereignty,” she remarked, pointing to the importance of clear exit strategies for international interventions.

Reflecting on India’s proactive efforts, Kamboj mentioned India’s role in advocating for the African Union’s inclusion in the G20 during its 2023 presidency. She urged the global community to leverage upcoming international summits to push for meaningful reforms that amplify African representation and address historical injustices.

Kamboj’s address not only reiterated India’s longstanding solidarity with Africa but also underscored a vision for a reformed international system where African states are integral players. By advocating for African empowerment and a more balanced global order, India positions itself as a key ally in Africa’s journey towards peace, security, and development.

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