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India Slams China’s “Absurd Claims” on Arunachal Pradesh

March 24, 2024 3:19 pm

India Slams China's "Absurd Claims" on Arunachal Pradesh

Md Lotfar Rahman Azad, Senior Reporter:

India’s foreign ministry issued a scathing rebuttal to China’s recent assertions regarding the status of Arunachal Pradesh, labeling the claims as “absurd” and reaffirming the state’s integral role within India.

The ongoing dispute revolves around China’s contention that Arunachal Pradesh, nestled in India’s northeast and bordering China, belongs to southern Tibet. India staunchly refutes this assertion, maintaining that Arunachal Pradesh has historically been an inseparable part of the Indian nation.

Randhir Jaiswal, spokesperson for India’s foreign ministry, dismissed China’s claims as baseless and lacking in credibility. His remarks came in response to statements made by Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang of China’s Ministry of National Defense, who urged India to refrain from actions that could complicate border issues, particularly in the aftermath of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s inauguration of a road tunnel in Arunachal Pradesh on March 9.

Zhang’s comments underscored China’s stance on the matter, expressing concern that such infrastructure developments could exacerbate tensions and hinder efforts to maintain peace and stability along the border.

The longstanding territorial dispute between the two nuclear-armed nations spans a 3,000-kilometer frontier, much of which remains ambiguously delineated. Tensions escalated in 2020 following deadly clashes in the western Himalayas, resulting in casualties on both sides.

Since then, both India and China have bolstered their military presence along the border, heightening security measures and fortifying positions. The lingering animosity traces back to a border conflict in 1962, underscoring the complexities of the relationship between these regional powerhouses.

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