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India’s Muslim population on the rise, Hindu population on the decline: Report

May 9, 2024 7:43 am

India's Muslim population on the rise, Hindu population on the decline: Report

India’s Hindu population has declined by 8 percent. Minority population increased during that time. This report was released by the Prime Minister’s Financial Advisory Council during the elections. This report has been published on the basis of population of the country from 1950 to 2015.

According to the report, the number of Hindus in India has decreased in 65 years. In 1950, 84 percent of India’s citizens were Hindus. Over the next 65 years, this picture changed. According to 2015 statistics, the number of Hindus has decreased by 8 percent. In 2015, 78 percent Hindus live in India.

At that time in 1950, there were 9.84 percent Muslims in India. The number of Muslims has increased by about 40 percent in 65 years. According to 2015 statistics, 14.15 percent of India’s population is Muslim. The Sikh population increased from 1.24 percent to 1.85. The growth rate is 6.58 percent. Besides, the Christian population has increased by 5.38 percent. According to 2015 statistics, the percentage of Christian population in India has increased from 2.24 to 2.36 percent.

Highlighting these statistics, the report said, the number of religious minorities has decreased in different countries of the world. But the number of minorities in India has increased. Minorities are protected in India. Not only that, they have improved considerably. And this is why the minority population is increasing in India.

However, apart from India, the number of Hindus in Nepal decreased during this period. The Hindu population of the country has decreased by 3.6 percent. The number of Theravada Buddhists in Myanmar has decreased by 10 percent. However, the number of majority Muslims has increased in Muslim-majority countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. Muslim population in Bangladesh increased by 18.5 percent. The number of Buddhists in Bhutan and Sri Lanka increased by 17.6 and 5.25 percent respectively.

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