
Inspirational Dialogue Unfolds: Dr. Yunus and Opportunity International CTO Explore Collaboration at US Ambassador’s Dinner

March 5, 2024 10:29 am

A dynamic and impactful conversation took center stage on Monday as Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus engaged in a meaningful discussion with Greg Nelson, Chief Technology Officer of Opportunity International. The occasion was a dinner hosted by US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Peter Haas, where the focus of the discourse centered around the health programs spearheaded by Grameen and Opportunity International.

The Yunus Centre, reporting on the event, highlighted the in-depth conversation about potential collaboration between the two renowned organizations. Grameen, under the visionary leadership of Dr. Yunus, has been a trailblazer in microfinance, while Opportunity International has been dedicated to promoting and implementing microfinance programs globally.

In attendance were prominent figures such as Amy Haas, Laurie Nelson, and Nurjahan Begum, the executive vice chairman of Grameen Shikhha. The diverse gathering contributed to the richness of the discussions, covering various aspects of health programs and potential synergies between Grameen and Opportunity International.

US Ambassador Haas expressed his admiration and gratitude for the impactful work of Dr. Yunus and Nurjahan Begum. In a LinkedIn post, he stated, “It was an incredible privilege to speak with the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus and Nurjahan Begum about their remarkable work towards improving the lives of people worldwide. Their contributions have made a significant impact and continue to inspire us all. Thank you for the work you do.”

This meeting not only showcased the power of collaboration but also underlined the commitment of these organizations and individuals to making a positive difference in the lives of people globally. The potential collaboration between Grameen and Opportunity International holds promise for innovative solutions in the realm of microfinance and health programs, contributing to the betterment of communities worldwide.

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