
International Yoga Day; ‘Trainer’ Modi in Srinagar

June 22, 2024 2:49 am

International Yoga Day; 'Trainer' Modi in Srinagar

Prime Minister Narendra Modi officiated as a one-day instructor in yoga. Friday was the 10th International Day of Yoga. He traveled to Srinagar on this occasion. This is the first time the Prime Minister has visited Jammu and Kashmir after taking oath as the Prime Minister for the third term. Modi attended a special event there.

At that time he gave a special message to the countrymen from Srinagar. The theme of this year’s Yoga Day, Self and Society. Emphasis is placed on the importance of yoga in promoting social harmony as well as individual well-being.

This year’s special day aims to unite thousands of people in the practice of yoga, promoting health and wellness worldwide. The event was organized on the banks of Dal Lake. At that time, Modi was seen participating in yoga with others. Those pictures and videos have spread on social media.

On the occasion, Modi said, “On Yoga Day, I wish the countrymen and the people practicing yoga in every corner of the world. International Yoga Day has completed a historic journey of 10 years today.

In 2014, I proposed the International Day of Yoga at the United Nations. This proposal of India was supported by 177 countries.

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