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Jaishankar is uncomfortable with Amit Shah’s decision on foreign journalists

June 22, 2024 2:51 am

Jaishankar is uncomfortable with Amit Shah's decision on foreign journalists

The Indian government forced two foreign journalists to leave the country within four months. The Ministry of Interior has withdrawn their legal permission to work. S. Jaishankar’s Ministry of External Affairs is somewhat uncomfortable with this.

French journalist Sebastien Farsi said on social media on Friday that after 13 years of working in India, he is no longer allowed to work legally. As a result, he is forced to leave India.

Sebastian X Handle, a South Asian journalist for various European radio channels, wrote, ‘Three months ago, on March 7, the Indian government refused to renew the permit I needed to work in the country. As a result, my journalism and earning path was completely closed. Despite repeated requests to the Home Ministry, they did not give any reason for this decision. I have applied many times, but to no avail.

Earlier, last February, another French journalist Vanessa Dunc’s legal permission to work in India was also revoked. Vanessa came to India as a student 25 years ago. Worked as a journalist for more than 20 years. He was the longest serving foreign journalist in India. He left India on February 16.

In April, Avni Dias, an Australian journalist of Indian origin, also had her legal permission to work in India revoked.

India’s Union Ministry of Home Affairs has come to a standstill on the matter. The Union Ministry of Home Affairs decides whether a foreign national will be granted a visa or work permit, for how many days and whether the visa will be extended.

According to the government, the matter is directly related to national security, so they are not obliged to pardon any foreign national. Not only India but any country in the world is not responsible in any way to the citizen of another country for granting visa or work permit.

However, S. Jaishankar’s ministry is somewhat uncomfortable with this decision of Amit Shah. It is true that Jaishankar’s Ministry of External Affairs is placing the blame for this decision on Shah’s Ministry of Home Affairs, but political circles feel that there is a lack of coordination between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of External Affairs.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs claims that India has successfully maintained strategic relations with France, not only that, but this country of the European Union has unconditionally supported the Modi government in most of India’s controversial international positions. Cultural and traditional ties between the people of the two countries are also very important to France. As a result, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in trouble of not allowing the French journalists of the Ministry of Home Affairs to work in India, even though it has not officially opened its mouth.

According to the opposition, Amit Shah is still unable to accept from his heart that his party has lost its majority in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections. As a result, such controversial ‘Tughlaki’ decisions are being taken as their own.

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