
Maldives Announces Controversial Ban on Israeli Tourists Amid Rising Tensions

June 3, 2024 2:48 am

Maldives Announces Controversial Ban on Israeli Tourists Amid Rising Tensions

In a surprising move, the Maldives government has declared a ban on Israeli passport holders entering the country, a decision that could have significant repercussions on its tourism-dependent economy. This announcement, made by a spokesperson for President Mohamed Muijju’s office, aligns with the nation’s growing solidarity with Palestine amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The ban, which lacks a specified implementation date, comes alongside the launch of a national fundraising campaign named ‘Maldives beside Palestine,’ signaling the government’s strong stance on the issue. The decision has sparked discussions among tourism industry stakeholders, given that millions of international tourists flock to the Maldives’ idyllic beaches and luxury resorts annually.

While Israelis accounted for a modest portion of the Maldives’ tourists—approximately 11,000 visitors, or 0.6% of the total, last year—their numbers had already seen a drastic decline. Government data reveals an 88% drop in Israeli visitors in the first four months of this year compared to the same period last year, with only 528 arrivals.

The conflict in Gaza, ignited by Israel’s military actions starting on October 7, has fueled mounting anger in the Maldives. This sentiment has been further amplified by political pressures from the opposition and coalition partners urging President Muijzu to take a firm stance against Israel. The prolonged conflict has led to devastating casualties, with over 36,000 Palestinians killed, the majority being women and children, and more than 80,000 injured.

The Maldives’ tourism industry, a critical pillar of its economy, now faces the challenge of navigating the potential fallout from this controversial policy. Industry experts are concerned about the broader implications for international relations and the possible economic impact of alienating a segment of potential tourists.

As the international community watches closely, the Maldives’ decision highlights the complexities and far-reaching consequences of geopolitical conflicts, even on seemingly remote island nations renowned for their serene landscapes and hospitality.

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