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Maldives Bets on Infrastructure Overhaul with Dubai’s IFZA Leading Monorail Project

May 26, 2024 1:11 am

Maldives Bets on Infrastructure Overhaul with Dubai’s IFZA Leading Monorail Project

In a bold move to modernize its transportation infrastructure and boost economic development, the Maldives government has awarded the ambitious monorail project to Dubai’s International Free Zone Authority (IFZA). This initiative is set to revolutionize connectivity between Velana International Airport and K. Funadhoo, reflecting the Maldives’ commitment to enhancing its infrastructure under the vision of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu.

Modernizing Maldives: A Leap Forward

The announcement was made by Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed during a press conference by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, showcasing the ministry’s achievements over the past six months. Minister Saeed revealed that the monorail project, which will feature a ‘single-track’ system, is part of a broader strategy to elevate the nation’s infrastructure to new heights. The project is fully funded and will be executed by IFZA, promising to deliver state-of-the-art transportation solutions.

Economic Gateway and Urban Development

In addition to the monorail, IFZA has been tasked with developing the Maldives Economic Gateway in Ihavandhippolhu. This project is expected to play a crucial role in positioning the Maldives as a key economic hub in the region.

Minister Saeed also announced a significant urban development project involving the reclamation of land in Male’ City. This project aims to relocate the fuel farm from Fonadhoo, freeing up space for the creation of a Special Economic and Financial Services Zone. While the contractor for this project remains undisclosed, it has been confirmed that a Chinese firm will undertake the reclamation efforts.

Aligning with President Muizzu’s Vision

President Muizzu’s vision for transforming Fonadhoo into a modern, state-of-the-art establishment is well underway. Design work has already begun, and the government is committed to completing the project within 18 months. This transformation includes integrating the island into the infrastructure of Velana International Airport (VIA), enhancing both local and international connectivity.

Comprehensive Infrastructure Development

The monorail is part of a larger infrastructure expansion announced by President Muizzu in January 2024. This includes the development of a new seaplane terminal, a bridge connecting Fonadhoo, Male’ City, and Hulhule’ (where VIA operates), and an advanced public transportation system. The relocation of the oil tanks from Fonadhoo to make way for these developments underscores the Maldives’ dedication to sustainable and strategic urban planning.

Looking Ahead

This extensive infrastructure project marks a significant milestone in the Maldives’ development journey. By partnering with international entities like IFZA and leveraging global expertise, the Maldives is set to create an interconnected, efficient, and modern transportation network that will serve its citizens and attract global admiration.

As these projects unfold, they are expected to not only enhance connectivity and economic growth but also solidify the Maldives’ status as a forward-thinking nation committed to sustainable and innovative development.

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