
Maldives President Solih assures doubling state income

During a campaign rally in Meemu atoll Muli, President Solih said that the government's income was significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

July 16, 2023 12:40 pm

Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih

Male: Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has pledged to implement nationwide reforms aimed at doubling the state’s income.

During a campaign rally in Meemu atoll Muli, President Solih said that the government’s income was significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

President Solih emphasized that despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, his administration remained committed to carrying out developmental projects throughout the atolls. He highlighted that the government had already invested MVR 284 million in various development initiatives in Muli as of June 2023.

“We are bringing a nationwide change, which will increase the country’s economic growth and double the income,” President Solih said.

President Solih also highlighted the importance of increasing state revenue, stating that it would enable the government to provide faster and better services to the public. He expressed his commitment to completing the ongoing airport development project in Muli, which is expected to be concluded in 2023. Additionally, he mentioned plans to connect Muli with the neighboring island of Naalaafushi through a causeway, enhancing connectivity and accessibility in the region.

He also said that the hospital development project in Muli is currently up for tendering while other urban development projects in the island are closing to completion.

President Solih had affirmed development of a rehabilitation center in the island after meeting with Muli locals in 2022. He assured the project will also commence soon.

Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has pledged to implement nationwide reforms aimed at doubling the state's income.
Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has pledged to implement nationwide reforms aimed at doubling the state’s income.

President Solih emphasized that the Maldives is progressing towards a contemporary democracy, with evident characteristics of such a democracy already present in the country. He highlighted the collective efforts of Maldivian citizens and their sacrifices in driving this reform.

President Solih urged the residents of Muli to conduct a retrospective analysis of the administration led by former President Abdulla Yameen from 2013 to 2018. He emphasized the importance of understanding whether the citizens desired to return to the intimidated lifestyles of that period or progress forward.

In his concluding remarks, the presidential candidate expressed that the ultimate decision lies in the hands of the public. President Solih expressed his hope to secure a majority of votes from the citizens of Muli in the upcoming elections.

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