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Modi Highlights NDA’s Consensus in Historic Speech, Emphasizes Unity Over Individualism

June 8, 2024 4:32 am

Modi Highlights NDA's Consensus in Historic Speech, Emphasizes Unity Over Individualism

In a departure from his typical self-promotion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) for its unprecedented success and collective strength during a speech on Friday. This marked a significant shift as Modi emphasized the importance of consensus in governance, a stark contrast to his usual rhetoric centered on individual leadership.

Speaking at the Central Hall of the old Parliament building after being elected as the leader of the NDA parliamentary party, Modi declared, “This alliance is not an alliance of parties coming together for power, it is a natural alliance.” He credited the alliance’s formation to stalwarts like Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prakash Singh Badal, Balasaheb Thackeray, George Fernandez, and Sharad Yadav, highlighting its deep-rooted and organic nature.

Modi, on the brink of his third term as Prime Minister, stated, “It is my duty to fulfill the responsibility that the countrymen and you have given me.” His speech underscored the principles of coalition politics, reiterating the values of unity and consensus that underpin the NDA’s philosophy. This was a notable change from his election campaign, which predominantly focused on “Modi ki guarantee” and less on the alliance.

In a characteristic move, Modi also took the opportunity to critique the Congress, pointing out their failure to secure a significant number of seats over the last decade. “The opposition has tried to imply from the beginning that the NDA has not won,” he remarked, emphasizing that the Congress had been unable to increase its seat count to 100 in the last three Lok Sabha polls.

Modi’s assertion that the NDA would continue to govern was unequivocal: “Ask any child, who was in power for so long? You will see the answer, the NDA government. Want to know who will form the government in 2024? Get the answer, NDA. NDA was the government in the past as well, it will be theirs in the future too.”

The Prime Minister later visited senior leaders LK Advani and Murali Manohar Joshi before heading to the Rashtrapati Bhavan to formally request the formation of the government. The swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for next Sunday.

Despite the show of unity, there are underlying tensions within the alliance regarding ministerial positions. Key allies like the TDP and JDU are pressing for significant portfolios and financial support for their states, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar respectively. The BJP, however, is reluctant to part with major ministries such as Finance, Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, and Defense, indicating that while consensus is highlighted publicly, negotiations continue behind the scenes.

JDU leader Nitish Kumar’s gesture of bowing at Modi’s feet was symbolic of the alliance’s solidarity. “It is not useful to go here and there again and again. I will stay with you. Everyone will move forward under your leadership,” Kumar declared.

The BJP’s firm stance on key ministries suggests a careful balance between maintaining alliance unity and ensuring the continuity of their governance strategy. The real test for Modi and the NDA will be in satisfying the diverse demands of their coalition partners while retaining effective control over the government’s core functions.

As the NDA prepares for another term, Modi’s pivot towards emphasizing coalition politics over individual leadership marks a new chapter in his political journey, potentially reshaping the dynamics of Indian governance in the coming years.

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