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Modi warns Pakistan on 25 years of Kargil war

July 27, 2024 3:08 am

Kārgila yud'dhēra 25 bachara pūrtitē pākistānakē kaṛā huśiẏāri mōdira 1999 sālēra mē māsē kāśmīrēra kārgila jēlāẏa saśastra yud'dhē jaṛiẏē paṛē bhārata ēbaṁ pākistāna. 3 Mē thēkē 26 julā'i paryanta sthāẏī ha'ōẏā ē'i laṛā'ikē itihāsē kārgila yud'dha hisēbē paricita. Ō'i yud'dhēra 25 bachara pūrtitē nihata sēnā sadasyadēra sam'mānē lādākha saphara karēchēna bhāratēra pradhānamantrī narēndra mōdi. Sēkhānē kārgila yud'dhēra smr̥tisaudhē puṣpastabaka arpaṇa karēna tini. Ēka bhāṣaṇē pradhānamantrī mōdi kaṛā huśiẏāri diẏē balēchēna, bhāratēra saṅgē atīta yud'dha thēkē śikṣā nēẏani pākistāna. Tā'i ēkhanō ‘santrāsabādī pracēṣṭā’ cāliẏē yācchē. Tr̥tīẏabāra kṣamatāẏa āsāra para ē'i prathama uttējanāpūrṇa lādākha saphara karēchēna mōdi. Mōdi balēna, ‘itihāsa thēkē śikṣā nēẏani pākistāna. Ōdēra saba santrāsabādī hāmalā byartha karē dēba āmarā.’ Lādākha, jam'mu ō kāśmīrē nirāpattā bāhinīra saṅgē saśastra sbādhīnatākāmīdēra saṅghāta lēgē'i āchē dīrghadina dharē. Bhāratēra abhiyōga, ēsaba gōṣṭhīkē samarthana diẏē āsachē pākistāna. Mōdi ārō balēna, ‘āmi santrāsabādēra prabhudēra balaba, ōdēra apacēṣṭā kakhana'i saphala habē nā. Śatrudēra yōgya jabāba dēba. Lādākha bā jam'mu ō kāśmīrēra unnaẏanēra pathē āsā pratiṭi cyālēñjakē hārābē bhārata. Pākistāna tāra itihāsa thēkē kichu'i śikṣā nēẏani. Tārā santrāsabāda ēbaṁ chāẏā yud'dha byabahāra karē. Āmi āja ēmana ēkaṭi jāẏagā thēkē kathā balachi, yēkhānē santrāsabādīrā sarāsari āmāra kathā śunabē. Āmi tādēra balatē cā'i, tādēra parikalpanā kakhana'i saphala habē nā. ’ Jam'mu ō kāśmīrakē kēndrēra adhīnē ānāra para thēkē bhāratēra kṣamatāsīna jōṭa bijēpi sēkhānē bēśa kichu unnaẏana prakalpa niẏēchē. Biśbēra bibhinnaprānta thēkē ē'i añcala ghirē bhārata sarakārēra birud'dhē mānabādhikāra laṅghanēra gurutara abhiyōga'ō raẏēchē. Tabē sē sabē tōẏākkā nā karē unnaẏanēra bānī pracāra karē yācchē bijēpi. Mōdira bhāṣāẏa, ‘lādākha hōka bā jam'mu ō kāśmīra, āmarā unnaẏana cāliẏē yāba. 5 Āgasṭa, 370 dhārā bātilēra 5 bachara parē, jam'mu ō kāśmīra ēbaṁ lādākha unnaẏanēra pathē ēgiẏē calēchē. Parikāṭhāmō ō paryaṭana khāta druta br̥d'dhi pācchē. Kaẏēka daśaka para kāśmīrē sinēmā hala khulēchē. Kaẏēka daśaka para śiẏā sampradāẏa śrīnagarē tākiẏā pālana karēchē.” Sūtra: Ēnaḍiṭibhi Show more 1,921 / 5,000 Modi warns Pakistan on 25 years of Kargil war

In May 1999, India and Pakistan engaged in armed conflict in the Kargil district of Kashmir. This battle, which lasted from 3 May to 26 July, is known in history as the Kargil War.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Ladakh on the 25th anniversary of that war in honor of the soldiers who died. He laid a wreath at the Kargil War Memorial there.

In a speech, Prime Minister Modi warned that Pakistan has not learned from past wars with India. So still the ‘terrorist attempt’ continues. This is Modi’s first sensational visit to Ladakh after coming to power for the third time.

Modi said, “Pakistan has not learned from history.” We will thwart all their terrorist attacks.

Armed freedom fighters have been clashing with security forces in Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir for a long time. India complains that Pakistan is supporting these groups.

Modi also said, ‘I will tell the masters of terrorism, their efforts will never succeed. I will give a worthy reply to the enemies. India will defeat every challenge that comes in the way of development of Ladakh or Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan has learned nothing from its history. They use terrorism and shadow warfare. I am speaking today from a place where the terrorists will hear me directly. I want to tell them, their plans will never succeed. ‘

Since Jammu and Kashmir was brought under the Centre, India’s ruling coalition BJP has taken up several development projects there. There are also serious allegations of human rights violations against the Indian government surrounding the region from various parts of the world. However, the BJP is promoting the message of development regardless of that.

In Modi’s words, ‘Whether it is Ladakh or Jammu and Kashmir, we will continue development. On August 5, 5 years after the abrogation of Article 370, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are on the road to development. Infrastructure and tourism sector is growing rapidly. Cinemas opened in Kashmir after decades. Decades later the Shia community observed Taqiya in Srinagar.”

Source: NDTV

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