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Modi’s Election Strategy Draws Scrutiny Amid Allegations of Religious Polarization

May 2, 2024 3:59 am

Modi's Election Strategy Draws Scrutiny Amid Allegations of Religious Polarization"

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent speeches have come under intense scrutiny as he takes aim at Muslims in his Lok Sabha election campaign. Addressing crowds in Telangana, Modi accused the Congress of attempting to divert resources meant for marginalized communities towards Muslims, sparking accusations of religious polarization and violating the electoral code of conduct.

The opposition has been quick to criticize Modi’s rhetoric, labeling it as hate speech and an attempt to manipulate religious sentiments for electoral gains. Despite the Election Commission seeking explanations from Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Prime Minister continues to double down on his divisive messaging.

While Modi’s speeches touch upon a range of issues from corruption allegations to development concerns, his focus on communal topics such as the Ram Mandir and the treatment of minority communities has raised eyebrows. Political analysts suggest that BJP’s emphasis on religious identity might be an attempt to deflect attention from pressing economic and social justice issues.

Observers note that Modi’s strategy reflects the high-stakes nature of the current political landscape, with doubts emerging about BJP’s electoral prospects in several key states. As the election narrative unfolds, the role of religion in shaping voter sentiments remains a contentious issue.

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