Geo-politicsSri Lanka

On Vesak Day, Sri Lankan envoy Senewiratne points to deep India-Sri Lanka connect

May 26, 2024 11:14 am

On Vesak Day, Sri Lankan envoy Senewiratne points to deep India-Sri Lanka connect

Emphasising on deep India Sri Lanka Buddhism link, Sri Lankan High Commissioner to India, Kshenuka Dhireni Senewiratne on the Vesak day celebrations at the high commission in New Delhi pointed to how the message of Buddhism reached her country from India. The Sri Lankan high commissioner was decked up with lights to celebrate the day, with a large white Vesak lantern outside the mission.

“Sri Lanka received the message of Buddhism in the time of Emperor Ashoka,” High Commissioner Senewiratne reminded, invoking the historical ties that have bound Sri Lanka and India through the ages. She emphasised on how Vesak is not a mere reminder of Buddha’s enlightenment but a moment for profound reflection on his teachings.
Highlighting the enduring ties between Sri Lanka and India, Senewiratne remarked, “Sri Lanka and India will forever be bound by the unbreakable bonds of our countries’ Buddhist heritage.”

This underscores the deep-rooted cultural and spiritual connections that have historically defined the relationship, with new focus being on Buddhist circuit.

Senewiratne emphasised the broader regional significance of Buddhism, noting how it has shaped the cultural landscapes of nations beyond Sri Lanka and India. “The Buddha was born in Lumbini, and attained enlightenment in Bodh Gaya and Parinirvana in Kushi Nagar” she remarked, pointing to the profound impact of Buddhism across South and Southeast Asia.

In the midst of today’s global challenges, Senewiratne turned to the teachings of Buddhism for guidance.

“With an international environment defaced by conflict and division, it is timely to contemplate on the Buddha’s doctrine,” she asserted. Drawing upon the principles of non-violence and compassion, she emphasised the potential of these teachings to foster reconciliation in a fractured world.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 54/115 that saw international recognition of Vesak. “The invaluable co-sponsorship of this Resolution by the countries you represent is much appreciated” she acknowledged, highlighting the collective effort to bring the significance of Vesak to the global stage. India had supported this resolution.

Vesak day commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Siddhartha Gautama, and is also known as Buddha Jayanti, Buddha Purnima. The holiday is usually observed during the first full moon in May according to the lunar calendar. India’s Minister of state for ministry of external affairs Meenakshi Lekhi was also present at the occasion.

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