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Research report: 60% of Indians will be idle by 2030

June 30, 2024 3:05 am

Research report: 60% of Indians will be idle by 2030

By 2030, 60 percent of Indians will be idle. Global health magazine Lancet published this shocking report about Indians. According to the World Health Organization, the number of lazy people is increasing day by day because adults are not physically active enough. This number is also increasing at a rapid rate in India. As a result, 60 percent of Indians will be lazy in the next six years, researchers said.

According to reports, about 50 percent of Indian adults have become so lazy that they do not even do the minimum physical labor required for daily living. Among these, about 57 percent of Indian women are not physically active enough. At the same time, the rate among men is 42 percent. Women in the South Asian region are 14 percent more likely than men to not be physically active enough. This number is almost the same in India.

According to the World Health Organization, South Asia ranks second in adults not being physically active enough. The high-income Asia Pacific region has the highest rates of physical inactivity among adults. 31.3 percent of adults worldwide are not physically active.

The researchers also reported on adults who are not physically active enough worldwide. According to researchers, one-third (31.3 percent) of adults worldwide do not do even minimal physical activity. They also say that those who get enough physical activity should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week or 75 percent of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week. The number of people who are not physically active is constantly increasing.

According to the study, 26.4 percent of adults were physically inactive in 2010. It has increased by 5 percent in 2022 figures. In 2000, about 22 percent of Indian adults did not perform even the minimum required physical activity. In 2010, this number increased to 34 percent. In 2022, the number of such people increased to nearly 50 percent. If the number of physically inactive people in India continues to rise, the number of such people will reach 60 percent by 2030.

The researchers said they analyzed physical activity data from population-based surveys of adults (at least 18 years) from 2000 to 2022 in 197 countries and regions to estimate the risk of insufficient physical activity. The researchers also found that rates of physical inactivity are increasing among both men and women aged 60 and over worldwide. As people become less physically active, the risk of diabetes and heart disease increases.

A study by the Indian Council of Medical Research India on diabetes was published in The Lancet journal. As such, in 2021, 10.1 crore people were suffering from diabetes in India. The number of patients with high blood pressure was 31.5 crore. According to this survey, approximately 24.4 crore people are obese. Where 18.5 crore people are suffering from high cholesterol problem.

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