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Rohingyas are accused of being forcibly sent from India to Bangladesh, which the UN said

May 30, 2024 7:45 am

Rohingyas are accused of being forcibly sent from India to Bangladesh, which the United Nations said

The United Nations has a very strong position against the forced push of refugees. Refugees should only be allowed to voluntarily return to their home countries in safety and dignity, said Stephane Dujarric, a spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

He made this comment in reference to the complaint filed by the legal firm Guernica 37 at the International Criminal Court on the charge of forcibly sending the Rohingyas from India to Bangladesh at the regular briefing of the United Nations on Wednesday.

In the briefing, a permanent correspondent of the United Nations raised questions about the current policy of the Government of Bangladesh and India on the issue of Rohingya refugees fleeing the brutality and brutality of the junta forces in Myanmar.

When attention was drawn to the announcement that the Bangladesh government would not give shelter to any more Rohingya refugees, Dujarric advised this reporter to contact the United Nations Refugee Agency about the matter.

The journalist wants to know in his question, Bangladesh government has already announced that they will not give shelter to any more Rohingya refugees. Have they agreed to accept new refugees? What is the UN’s comment on the recent complaint by Guernica Thirty-seven to the International Criminal Court that India is forcibly pushing Rohingya refugees to Bangladesh?

In response, Dujarric said, the answer to your first question is that I have not seen any such report. We request you to contact the Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to look into the matter.

He said, of course, Bangladesh has shown great generosity by accommodating a large population of Rohingyas. I think different communities in Bangladesh are showing generosity. I am very hopeful that the international community will continue to cooperate to continue the humanitarian activities we are conducting there.

Dujarric also said, in response to your second question, I haven’t seen anything about it yet. But let me tell you, our position is very strong against pushing refugees into unsafe places.

Refugees should only be voluntarily returned to their home countries with safety and dignity, the spokesperson said.

It should be noted that Guernica 37 applied to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Wednesday to investigate the matter of forcibly sending the Rohingyas from India to Bangladesh.

The court complaint details how Rohingya refugees who sought refuge in India amid atrocities in Myanmar between 2016-2017 were forcibly evicted by the Indian government as part of an anti-Muslim campaign.

According to the statement sent by Guernica 37, the government of the country allowed those who fled Myanmar from 2012 to 2017 to live in India, following the policy of the United Nations Refugee Agency. India’s Home Ministry declared Rohingya refugees as illegal immigrants and ordered them to leave the country in 2017, when atrocities in Myanmar eased. As a result, many thousands of Rohingyas who were waiting to leave India were arrested by the police of that country. When some Rohingyas were sent back by government initiative, at that time many decided to flee and come to Bangladesh.

According to the complaint filed in court, Indian authorities are de facto deporting Rohingyas to Bangladesh, which is within the mandate of the International Criminal Court to investigate.

According to the statement, the change in the Indian government’s policy towards the Rohingyas is an example of the anti-Muslim campaign of the BJP-led government.

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