
RSS leader praises Modi a day after taunting BJP’s results

June 16, 2024 3:55 am

RSS leader praises Modi a day after taunting BJP's results

At the ‘Ramrath Ayodhya Yatra Darshan Pujan Samaroh’ at Kanota in Jaipur, India, on Thursday, RSS leader Indresh Kumar criticized the BJP over the results of the Lok Sabha elections. The day after, Indresh gave a new interpretation to his statement, claiming that he actually wanted to applaud BJP’s hat-trick of wins in the Lok Sabha polls.

Addressing the BJP, Kumar said, “Even though the party worshiped Ram, they became arrogant, so they were stopped in 241 seats (actually 240).”

Kumar said, ‘Look at the rules of Ramrajya; Those who showed devotion to Rama, but became arrogant, had their party votes and power reduced by Rama because of their arrogance.’

However, Indresh was seen going into ‘damage control’ after the speculation started about that comment. In the statement, he said, “I said – ‘Those who took the decision in the name of Lord Ram are now in power.’ And those who opposed Ram, they are all outside the circle of power.

After this, his comment went a step further, ‘The government has been formed for the third time under the leadership of Narendra Modi. There is strong confidence among the people that the country will progress rapidly under his leadership. We hope and wish that this trust will bear the expected results.

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