Climate ChangeIndia

Severe heat wave across North India

May 29, 2024 11:58 am

Severe heat wave across North India

A severe heat wave is sweeping across large parts of North and Central India. On Tuesday (May 28), Churu in Rajasthan and Sirsa in Haryana, the mercury crossed 50 degrees Celsius. Which is the highest in the history of Delhi. In such a situation, the Meteorological Office of the country has advised the people of Delhi not to go out of their houses unless it is necessary.

At least three weather stations in Delhi recorded a maximum temperature of 49 degrees Celsius or more.

Earlier, the highest temperature recorded in Delhi was 49.2 degrees. This temperature was recorded in New Delhi in May 2022. Till 2022, Delhi has not recorded higher temperatures in the recent past.

Delhi, however, is hot throughout the year except for the four months from November to February. Summer season starts from April and the maximum daytime temperature during April-May-June usually fluctuates between 43 degrees to 45 degrees.

Lack of rain is believed to be one of the major causes of heatwaves. As the day progressed, the streets of Delhi became empty. It seems that the country’s capital has been shut down unannounced.

Due to severe heat wave, heat wave red alert has been issued in six places across the country. Six areas are mainly states of North India. They are – Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi-NCR, West Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. This alert has been issued in six areas today from May 29 to May 30.

Incidentally, last month severe heat waves were seen across Asia. According to a group of international researchers, this situation is mainly due to climate change.

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