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Shahbaz and his cabinet members will not take salary

March 21, 2024 4:56 am

 Śāhabāja ō tāra mantrisabhāra sadasyarā bētana nēbēna nā pākistānēra pradhānamantrī śāhabāja śarīpha ō tāra mantrisabhāra sadasyarā sarakāri bētana nēbēna nā. Mūlata dēśēra ārthika saṅkaṭēra kathā cintā karē ēmana sid'dhānta niẏēchēna tārā. Budhabāra sarbasam'matikramē ē sid'dhānta nēẏa pāka mantrisabhā. Pākistānēra pradhānamantrīra daptara jāniẏēchē, sarakārēra apraẏōjanīẏa byaẏa bandha karāra anśa hisēbē'ō ē sid'dhānta nē'ōẏā haẏēchē. Itimadhyē pākistānē sarakāri kharacē sarakāri karmakartā, kēndrīẏa mantrī, prādēśika pariṣadēra sadasyadēra bidēśa bhramaṇa niṣid'dha karā haẏēchē. Sarakārēra āgāma anumati chāṛā tādēra bidēśa nā yētē nirdēśa dē'ōẏā haẏēchē. Ārthika saṅkaṭa thākāẏa sarakāri sampadēra yathārtha byabahārēra ōpara gurutba dicchē dēśaṭira sarakāra. Ē'i saṅkaṭēra kāraṇē pākistānēra āntarjātika mudrā tahabila (ā'i'ēma'ēpha) thēkē natuna lōna praẏōjana haẏē paṛēchē. Gata saptāhē prēsiḍēnṭa āsipha ālī jāradāri ō sbarāṣṭramantrī mahasina nākabhi'ō ēka'i kāraṇē bētana nā nē'ōẏāra sid'dhānta nēna. Pākistānēra sadasya bidāẏī prēsiḍēnṭa āripha ālabhī prēsiḍēnṭa hisēbē māsika 8 lākha 46 hājāra 550 rupi bētana nicchilēna. 2018 Sālē dēśaṭira jātīẏa pariṣada ē'i bētana nirdhāraṇa karē dēẏa. Bartamāna prēsiḍēnṭa āsipha ālī jāradāri dēśaṭira an'yatama dhanī rājanītibida. Abaśya prēsiḍēnṭa, pradhānamantrī ō mantrīdēra bētana nā nē'ōẏāra biṣaẏaṭi prāẏa purōṭā'i haẏa lōka dēkhānō. Sarakāri bētana nā niẏē tārā mūlata bōjhāna yē dēśēra sādhāraṇa mānuṣēra ārthika saṅkaṭēra bhāra tārā nijēdēra kām̐dhē'ō tulē nicchēna. Sādhāraṇata tārā dhanī paribāra thēkē ōṭhē āsēna. Bētanēra ōpara tārā kōnōbhābē'i nirbharaśīla nana. Show more 1,383 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Shahbaz and his cabinet members will not take salary

Pakistan Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and his cabinet members will not take government salaries. Basically they have taken a decision thinking about the country’s financial crisis. This decision was unanimously taken by the Pakistan Cabinet on Wednesday.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister’s Office said the decision was also taken as part of curbing unnecessary government spending.

Already in Pakistan government officials, central ministers, members of provincial councils have been banned from traveling abroad at government expense. They have been instructed not to go abroad without the prior permission of the government.

Due to the financial crisis, the government of the country is emphasizing on the proper use of public resources. The crisis has necessitated fresh loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Pakistan.

Last week, President Asif Ali Zardari and Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi also decided not to take salary for the same reason.

Former President Arif Alvi, member of Pakistan, was drawing a monthly salary of Rs 8 lakh 46 thousand 550 as the President. In 2018, the National Assembly of the country fixed this salary. Current President Asif Ali Zardari is one of the richest politicians in the country.

However, the fact that the President, Prime Minister and Ministers are not paid is almost entirely a show-off. By not taking government salary, they basically mean that they are shouldering the burden of the financial crisis of the common people of the country.

Usually they come from rich families. They are not dependent on salary in any way.

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