
Taliban & Pakistani Border Guards Clash In Dand Wa Patan District of Paktia

May 17, 2024 7:02 am

In this Aug. 3, 2021 file photo, Pakistan Army troops patrol along the fence on the Pakistan Afghanistan border at Big Ben hilltop post in Khyber district, Pakistan. (Anjum Naveed/AP)

Kabul: Sources informed Afghanistan International that on Wednesday, the Taliban and Pakistani border forces clashed in the Dand Wa Patan district of Paktia province.

According to the sources, the reason for the conflict was the construction of an outpost by Pakistani forces at the zero point between the two countries.

Audio recordings obtained by Afghanistan International reveal relatively intense gunfire between the Taliban and Pakistani border forces.

As per the sources, the Kharlachi crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan has also been closed due to this conflict.

This is the second clash between the Taliban and Pakistani border forces in the past two days.

Local sources reported on Monday from Paktia province that a conflict occurred between the forces of the two sides in the border area of Aryob Zazi district.

The Taliban canceled a visit by a Pakistani military delegation to Kandahar due to last Thursday’s air and missile attacks by Pakistan on Paktika province.

A Pakistani military delegation was scheduled to travel from Rawalpindi to Kandahar on Sunday, May 12.

Security sources from Pakistan confirmed to Afghanistan International that the Taliban canceled this visit.

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