Highlights newsPakistan

Terrible communal conflict in Pakistan, 35 killed

July 29, 2024 3:07 am

Pākistānē bhaẏābaha sāmpradāẏika saṅghāta, nihata 35 pākistānēra uttara-paścimāñcalīẏa ēka ēlākāẏa upajātidēra madhyē bhūmi niẏē dbandbē bhaẏābaha sāmpradāẏika saṅghāta chaṛiẏē paṛēchē. Sthānīẏa du'i upajāti gōṣṭhīra sadasyadēra mēśinagāna thēkē guli ō marṭāra chuṛē hāmalā-pālṭā hāmalā karatē dēkhā gēchē. Ētē dēśaṭitē ēkhana paryanta antata 35 jana nihata haẏēchēna. Rōbabāra (28 julā'i) dēśaṭira puliśēra karmakartādēra barāta diẏē pharāsi bārtā sansthā ē'ēphapira ēka pratibēdanē ē'i tathya jānānō haẏēchē. Ētē balā haẏēchē, āphagāna sīmānta lāgōẏā pākistānēra kurarāma jēlāẏa gata budhabāra thēkē sunnipanthi musalima mādāgi ō śiẏāpanthī māli khēla upajāti gōṣṭhīra sadasyadēra mājhē saṅghāta calachē. Sthānīẏa puliśa karmakartā murtajā husēna balēna, ō'i dina kr̥ṣijami niẏē kaẏēka daśaka dharē calē āsā birōdhēra ēka ālōcanāẏa guli cālāna ēkajana bandukadhārī. Ō'i hāmalāẏa kē'u āhata hanani. Gulira ē'i ghaṭanā āphagānistānēra sīmāntēra kurarāma jēlāẏa pāśāpāśi basabāsakārī gōṣṭhīgulōra mājhē dīrghadinēra dharmīẏa uttējanākē ābāra'ō jāgiẏē tōlē. Murtajā husēna balēna, prāthamikabhābē ē'i ghaṭanā bhūmi niẏē bibāda chila. Bartamānē ēṭi sāmpradāẏika sahinsatāẏa pariṇata haẏēchē. Ē'i saṅghātē ēkhana paryanta 35 janēra prāṇahāni ghaṭēchē balē jāniẏēchēna tini. Puliśēra ē'i karmakartā balēna, dēśēra sarakāra ēbaṁ sthānīẏa nētārā jiragāra (upajāti pariṣada) mādhyamē saṅghāta bandha karāra cēṣṭā karachē. Kintu tādēra ē'i cēṣṭā ēkhana'ō saphala haẏani. Pākistānē āntaḥpāribārika kalaha ēkēbārē sādhāraṇa ghaṭanā. Dēśaṭitē prāẏa'i ē'i dharanēra sahinsatāra ghaṭanā ghaṭē. Khā'ibāra pākhatunakhōẏāra uttara-paścimāñcalīẏa pārbatya ēlākāẏa dīrghadina dharē ēmana sahinsa ghaṭanā ghaṭē āsachē. Nāma prakāśē asbīkr̥ti jāniẏē kurarāma jēlāra jyēṣṭha ēka sarakāri karmakartā'ō calamāna saṅghātē 35 janēra prāṇahānira tathya jāniẏēchēna. Tabē ē'i ghaṭanāẏa āra'ō 151 jana āhata haẏēchēna balē jāniẏēchēna tini. Tini balēna, pañcama dinēra matō sēkhānē saṅghāta calachē. Bartamānē ē'i saṅghāta śiẏā-sunni birōdhē pariṇata haẏēchē. Saṅghāta samādhānēra saba dharanēra pracēṣṭā byartha haẏēchē. Dakṣiṇa ēśiẏāra sunni saṅkhyāgariṣṭha dēśa pākistāna. Dēśaṭitē śiẏāpanthi musalimarā prāẏa'i baiṣamya ō sahinsatāra śikāra hana. Sarakāri ō'i karmakartā balēchēna, calamāna saṅghātē śiẏā upajāti sabacēẏē bēśi kṣatigrasta haẏēchē. Tādēra antata 30 jana nihata haẏēchēna.
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Terrible communal conflict in Pakistan, 35 killed

A fierce sectarian conflict has erupted in a region of northwest Pakistan over land disputes between tribes. Members of two local tribal groups were seen retaliating with machine gun fire and mortar fire. At least 35 people have been killed in the country so far.

On Sunday (July 28), the French news agency AFP reported this information, quoting the country’s police officials.

According to it, the conflict between members of the Sunni Muslim Madagi and the pro-Shia Mali Khel tribal groups has been going on since last Wednesday in Pakistan’s Kurram district near the Afghan border.

Local police officer Murtaza Hussain said a gunman opened fire that day during a discussion of a decades-long dispute over farmland. No one was injured in the attack. The shooting rekindled long-standing religious tensions between the neighboring groups in the Kurram district on the border with Afghanistan.

Murtaza Hussain said that initially this incident was a dispute over land. Now it has turned into communal violence. He said that 35 people have lost their lives so far in this conflict.

The police official said the country’s government and local leaders are trying to end the conflict through jirgars (tribal councils). But their efforts have not been successful yet.

Inter-family feuds are quite common in Pakistan. Such incidents of violence are frequent in the country. The north-western mountainous region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been experiencing such violent incidents for a long time.

A senior government official in Kurram district, who declined to be named, also reported the loss of 35 lives in the ongoing conflict. However, he said that 151 more people were injured in this incident.

He said, the conflict is going on there for the fifth day. Today this conflict has turned into a Shia-Sunni conflict. All efforts to resolve the conflict have failed. Pakistan is a Sunni majority country in South Asia. Shia Muslims in the country are often subjected to discrimination and violence.

The government official said that the Shia tribe has suffered the most in the ongoing conflict. At least 30 of them were killed.

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