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The United Nations is now involved in the Kejriwal issue

March 29, 2024 8:18 am

The United Nations is now involved in the Kejriwal issue

After Germany, the United States, the spokesperson of the UN Secretary General spoke about the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

On Thursday night, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ spokesperson Stephen Dujarric also said that they hope that the political and civil society rights of everyone in India will be protected during the elections, as in other countries, so that everyone can vote fairly and freely.

India’s Lok Sabha elections are just a few days away. Meanwhile, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has been arrested. There are many criticisms about the election in India as well.

The international response to Kejriwal’s arrest and detention has embarrassed India but is being responded to at the diplomatic level.

The foreign ministry of the country called the top diplomats of the German and US embassies in Delhi and strongly objected to such comments. But despite this, the United States did not stop. For the second time also they expressed doubts about it, commented. The United Nations joined them this time.

How do you perceive the country’s political turmoil with the arrest of Delhi’s chief minister and the seizing of the opposition Congress party’s bank accounts just before India’s national elections, a journalist asks?

Human rights groups are describing the situation as a crackdown on the opposition. This has led to a crisis ahead of the national elections. What do you think about this?

In response, UN Secretary-General’s spokesperson Stephen Dujarric said, “We are very hopeful that all rights, including political and civil rights, will be protected in Indian elections and that voters will be able to vote in a free and fair environment.”

Analysts say the UN Secretary-General’s spokesman could have avoided answering the question. He could have commented that it was an internal matter of India. He could have ignored the question, knowing that any foreign comment on the matter was ‘unintended and unwanted’ by India.

But instead, he expressed hope that free voting and the rights of political and civil society would be protected. It is certainly embarrassing for India.

Earlier, India expressed strong anger at the US’s comment on Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has summoned the top diplomat of the United States assigned to India to protest in this regard.

According to NDTV, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs summoned Gloria Barbena, acting deputy chief of the US Mission in India, on Wednesday afternoon. At this time, a meeting was held between the two parties at the Ministry’s Delhi office for about 40 minutes.

Earlier on Tuesday, a US State Department spokesperson said it was monitoring reports of Kejriwal’s arrest and urged New Delhi to ensure “a fair and timely legal process” for the jailed Aam Aadmi Party leader.

After this, the US diplomat posted in Delhi was summoned by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs. Washington opened his mouth once again after that summons.

Matthew Miller, the spokesperson of the US State Department on Kejrikan, said on Wednesday that America is keeping an eye on this whole issue. Meanwhile, he also explained that they are also looking into the matter of summoning the US Deputy Ambassador posted in Delhi.

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