
Thousands of Afghan Migrants Detained in Iran and Pakistan Prisons, Advocacy Groups Call for Action

April 20, 2024 9:28 am

Thousands of Afghan Migrants Detained in Iran and Pakistan Prisons, Advocacy Groups Call for Action

Concerns mount over the plight of Afghan migrants as reports reveal that over 11,000 individuals are currently incarcerated in the prisons of Iran and Pakistan. The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR) disclosed this troubling statistic, highlighting the challenges faced by Afghan migrants residing in neighboring countries.

While efforts have been made to repatriate some migrants, with over 12,000 individuals released from prisons in Iran and Pakistan over the past year, the remaining detainees continue to endure harsh conditions. Abdul Matlub Haqqani, spokesperson for the MoRR, emphasized ongoing efforts to secure the release of these prisoners, underscoring the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s commitment to addressing the issue.

However, Afghan migrants residing in Iran and Pakistan paint a grim picture of their situation, citing challenges ranging from deportation threats to systemic discrimination. Mehdi, a migrant in Iran, recounted recent deportation efforts in Tehran, highlighting the precarious situation faced by Afghan communities.

Similarly, Hawa, an Afghan migrant in Pakistan, lamented the lack of basic rights and protections for migrants in the country, raising concerns about their vulnerable status.

In response, activists and advocates for migrant rights call on the Islamic Emirate to engage with the governments of Iran and Pakistan to ensure the humane treatment of Afghan migrants in line with international conventions. Juma Khan Poya, an advocate in the field of migrant rights, urged Afghan authorities to leverage international frameworks such as the Geneva Conventions to address the plight of migrants and prevent further harassment and detention.

The issue of Afghan migrants detained abroad has garnered attention from the Islamic Emirate’s Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, which reported efforts to secure the release of thousands of Afghan detainees in Pakistani prisons over the past two years. Despite these efforts, concerns persist regarding the broader challenges faced by Afghan migrants in the region, underscoring the urgent need for coordinated action to safeguard their rights and well-being.

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