
Attack on PAF base foiled, all 9 terrorists eliminated

The security forces responded swiftly and foiled a terrorist attack on Mianwali Training Air Base of Pakistan Air Force (PAF), killing all nine terrorists on Saturday

November 5, 2023 1:04 pm

Pakistan's army commandos depart in their vehicles in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on September 13, 2021. — AFP/File
Pakistan’s army commandos depart in their vehicles in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on September 13, 2021. — AFP/File

RAWALPINDI: The security forces responded swiftly and foiled a terrorist attack on Mianwali Training Air Base of Pakistan Air Force (PAF), killing all the nine terrorists on Saturday.

The air base was targeted by terrorists earlier on Saturday; however, the security forces foiled the attack. The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), in a statement, said: “Alhamdolliah, the combing and clearance operation at PAF Training Airbase Mianwali has been concluded and all nine terrorists have been sent to hell.”

Demonstrating exceptional courage and timely response, three terrorists were neutralised even before they could enter the base, while remaining terrorists were also cornered and isolated due to timely and effective response by the troops and eliminated later, the ISPR said. The statement added that the clearance operation was launched to eliminate any potential threat, following the cowardly and failed terrorist attack on the base Saturday morning.

“No damage has been done to any of the PAF’s functional operational assets, while only some damage was done to three already phased-out non-operational aircraft and a fuel bowser during the attack,” added the statement.

The ISPR said the prompt and professional conclusion of the operation serves as a stark reminder to all enemies of peace that the PAF remains vigilant and is fully capable of defending the homeland from any threat.

Newly-founded group of TTP called Tehreek-e-Jihad Pakistan (TJP), which has carried out a string of attacks in the country this year, claimed responsibility for Saturday morning’s attack in a statement sent to journalists by its spokesperson.

Later on, Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, Chief of the Air Staff, visited the PAF Base Mianwali. He commended the on-duty security personnel for their unwavering professionalism and bravery in thwarting the malicious attempt and neutralising the intruders in the minimum possible time.

The Chief of the Air Staff interacted with the base personnel, expressed his utmost appreciation for their exceptional commitment in putting service before self and reiterated the required level of readiness of each and every person in the PAF to counter any malicious intent of hostile elements and terrorist outfits.

He lauded the morale of base personnel and highlighted the collective resolve of PAF to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and preparedness in the face of evolving security challenges.

He also thanked the joint operations team comprising Zarar Company of Pakistan Army and civil LEAs [law enforcement agencies] for their timely support to counter the infiltration most optimally.

“Pakistan Air Force will continue to play a pivotal role in safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan,” he said.

The visit of Chief of the Air Staff serves as a strong message of solidarity and reassurance to the entire Pakistan Air Force personnel, inspiring them to remain steadfast in their duty to protect the nation, the PAF spokesman said and added that it also showcased the PAF’s unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, bravery and dedication.

Separately, Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar commended the security forces, saying that the valiant PAF had proven its mettle by thwarting the terrorist attack once again. “Any attempt to undermine our security will meet with unwavering resistance. The nation stands with you and we salute your courage and resolve,” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Caretaker Interior Minister Sarfraz Bugti said the names of the terrorists involved in the DI Khan, Pasni and Mianwali attacks must be different, but the hidden enemy was the same.

The latest wave of terrorism was an attempt to destabilise Pakistan, said Bugti, who was referring to a series of attacks carried out during the past two days in different parts of the country.

Former PM Shehbaz Sharif condemned the terror attack, saying that these repeated attacks reveal our enemies’ desperation, but the country stands resilient. “Our forces are vigilant, united to defeat terrorism. We’re determined to preserve peace and stability. Prayers for the affected families and our brave security personnel,” he added.

Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani and National Assembly Speaker Raja Parvaiz Ashraf condemned the attack on the PAF Training Air Base and praised security forces for foiling it with their swift response.

Also, former president and head of Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians Asif Ali Zardari condemned the terrorist attack on the Air Force base in Mianwali. Appreciating the security forces’ foiling the terrorists’ ambitions, he said the National Action Plan was the only remedy to eliminate terrorists.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Saturday lauded the Pakistan Army for thwarting a terrorist attack on the Mianwali Training Air Base and expressed deep concerns over the alarming upsurge in tragic incidents of terrorism across the country.

In his reaction to the development, a PTI spokesperson said the recent spate of terrorism incidents in different parts of the country during the past two days were a cause of great concern for the state. However, he added that the security personnel deserved all credit for foiling the terrorist attack with timely action by risking their own lives.

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