
BNP, allies hold rallies to mark hartal at places in Dhaka

The opposition parties urged the Election Commission to immediately cancel the schedule for holding a credible and inclusive election.

November 19, 2023 1:55 pm

Ganatantra Mancha brings out a procession in National Press Club area in Dhaka supporting the 48-hour hartal, on Sunday. – New Age photo.
Ganatantra Mancha brings out a procession in National Press Club area in Dhaka supporting the 48-hour hartal, on Sunday. – New Age photo.

Dhaka: The main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its allies in their ongoing anti-government movement staged demonstrations and rallies in different areas of Bangladesh capital Dhaka on Sunday, in support of their ongoing 48-hour hartal in protest against the schedule for the next general election.

The opposition parties urged the Election Commission to immediately cancel the schedule for holding a credible and inclusive election.

The leaders and activists of BNP and its associate bodies brought out sudden processions in different areas, including Tejgaon, Fakirapool,Jhigatola, Badda, Malibagh, Gulshan, Banani, Green Road, Dhanmondai, Ramna, Mothijheel during the first day of the 48-hour hartal.

As in the previous days since October 29, BNP’s Nayapaltan central office remained locked on Sunday amid the presence of law enforcers on roads on both sides in front of the BNP central office.

Ganatantra Mancha, Jatiyatabadi Somomana Jote, Gono Odhikar Parishad, 12-party alliance LDP, Labour Party, Bangladesh Sadharon Chhatra Odhikar Songrokkhon Parishad, Gonoforum-NPP and Left Democratic Alliance also staged demonstrations and rallies in Bijoynagar, Purana Paltan, Nightingale crossing, Jatiya Press Club and Motijheel areas.

From these processions and rallies, the opposition leaders and activists chanted various slogans against the Election Commission and the government for their ‘attempt’ to hold a lopsided election.

BNP and other opposition parties, including Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, enforced the shutdown at 6am across the country.

This is the first hartal being observed by the opposition parties since the EC announced to hold the 12-parliamentary polls on January 7.

On November 15, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal announced that the 12th parliamentary election of the country will be held on January 7.

Ganatantra Mancha brought out a procession at Bijoynagar around 12:30pm that ended in front of the Jatiya Press Club through a brief rally.

Speaking at the rally, the alliance leaders alleged that the Awami League government wants to hold another ‘farcical’ election like in 2014 and 2018, leaving the country and its people in danger.

Chief coordinator of Ganosamhati Andolon Junaid Saki said most of the country’s opposition parties are now united to resist a one-sided election under the current government.

He said Awami League wants to score in an empty field without any opponent. ‘If another lopsided election is held, the country will not only face an economic crisis but also a terrible diplomatic crisis in the international arena,’ he added.

Saki said the government is putting the country’s people in danger just to hang onto power by any means.

He said the Jatiya Party, an alliance partner of Awami League, is also saying no fair election is possible under the current regime.

‘Shame on Awami League as it is canvassing for vote rigging as election. We the people will not allow the future of Bangladesh to be destroyed like this. That’s why we’ll continue this movement and we will turn victorious,’ Saki observed.

Saiful Haque, general secretary of the Revolutionary Workers Party urged the government to create a democratic environment by suspending the election schedule, releasing all opposition leaders and workers unconditionally and withdrawing thousands of cases filed against them.

‘All people rejected the election schedule. Even then, the leaders of the ruling party are making false statements resorting to deception. Even the devil gets ashamed of hearing their (AL leaders’) deceitful statements,’ he said.

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