
Daesh No Longer Threat for Afghanistan: Taleban

Mujahid added that Daesh is not acting in the interest of any country.

January 29, 2024 1:34 pm


Kabul: The Islamic Emirate’s spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, said that Daesh is not a threat for Afghanistan and that the Islamic Emirate’s forces have tightened the security across the borders.

Mujahid made the remarks in reaction to a report of an Indian newspaper in the Sunday Guardian, which cited senior members of the Tehrik Taliban Pakistan as saying that the motive behind the clash alongside the Durand Line on Jan. 20 was that “the Pakistan military was trying to push ISIS terrorists into Afghanistan and it was to pursue this objective that its armed forces stirred up the dispute at the border so that the ISIS cadre could enter into Afghanistan while the Afghanistan guards were engaged against their much well equipped neighbors.”

Mujahid added that Daesh is not acting in the interest of any country.

“The borders of the countries are safeguarded. Our security forces are paying attention to any kind of danger. We don’t believe that there is Daesh in Afghanistan,” he said.

Among those cited was the former TTP commander Ehsanullah Ehsan, who called it a ‘Kashmir-style infiltration’ attempt on the Afghan border by the Pakistan army, the Sunday Guardian reported.

“After the said incident, social media accounts linked to the Pakistani army claimed that the skirmish took place after Pakistani forces retaliated to the Afghan forces’ objection to the repair that was being carried out at the border fence. However, according to my information, this happened when ISIS fighters were trying to cross the border from Pakistan and were spotted and confronted by the Afghan border guards. Their intruders had the full support of the Pakistani army and were being provided military [cover] by the Pakistan army which was noticed by the Afghan side,” he was quoted by the Sunday Guardian.

This comes as political and military analysts said they consider Daesh a threat to the interim government and urged the Islamic Emirate to suppress the group.

“Pakistan is seeking to implement its intelligence and its strategic projects of the western countries not only in Afghanistan but also within the Central Asian countries,” said Sadeq Shinwari, a military analyst.

“Daesh is a dangerous phenomenon in Afghanistan and it affects the internal security of Afghanistan,” said Aziz Maarij, a political analyst.

This comes as the acting Defense Minister, Mawlawi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid stressed that Daesh was defeated in Afghanistan.

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