
India’s policy towards Nepal remains unchanged: Envoy

Indian Ambassador Naveen Srivastava says India is ready to support Nepal as well as increase its investment in the future.

March 8, 2024 3:05 pm

Indian envoy Naveen Srivastava (left) and Nepal’s Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun. Photo: Md Imran Hasan
Indian envoy Naveen Srivastava (left) and Nepal’s Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun. Photo: Md Imran Hasan

By Md Rashel, Senior Reporter

Kathmandu: In the wake of recent political developments in Nepal, Indian Ambassador Naveen Srivastava reaffirmed India’s consistent stance towards its neighbor, emphasizing unwavering support and cooperation. Amid speculations surrounding India’s reaction to the dissolution of the Nepali Congress and CPN (Maoist Centre) alliance, Ambassador Srivastava clarified that India’s policy remains unaltered.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s recent Cabinet restructuring, which included ministers from the CPN-UML and other parties, prompted discussions regarding India’s stance. However, Ambassador Srivastava emphasized during separate meetings with Deputy Prime Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha and Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun that India views these changes as Nepal’s internal affairs.

In conveying India’s position, Ambassador Srivastava highlighted the enduring and robust nature of Nepal-India relations, characterized by mutual trust. He assured continued support and expressed readiness to enhance investment in Nepal’s development.

Moreover, discussions between Ambassador Srivastava and Minister Pun underscored the unique bond between Nepal and India, with a commitment to fostering mutually beneficial cooperation.

Additionally, Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha received congratulations from Chinese Ambassador Chen Song on his new role. Discussions between them centered on further strengthening Nepal-China relations and fostering cooperation.

The affirmations from both Indian and Chinese envoys signal continued engagement and support for Nepal amidst its evolving political landscape.

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