
Khasi freedom fighter U Tirot Sing’s statue unveiled in Dhaka

He was captured four years later after the Anglo-Khasi War and died in the Dhaka Central Jail on 17 July 1835

February 16, 2024 12:55 pm

Dhaka: A statue of U Tirot Sing, a freedom fighter from Khasi Hills who rebelled against British colonialism some 200 years ago, was unveiled today (16 February) at Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre in Dhaka.

Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Pranay Verma, Deputy Chief Minister of Meghalaya government Sniawbhalang Dhar, and Art and Culture Minister Paul Lyngdoh inaugurated the statue.

This event also introduced the U Tirot Sing Library at the same location.

“This is a great honour as U Tirot Sing is recognised beyond India’s borders for the first time,” Minister Lyngdoh said on the programme.

Deputy Chief Minister Sniawbhalang Dhar said, “U Tirot Sing was fighting against the British colonialisation. He is the spirit of our next generation.

The minister also invited the people of Bangladesh to visit Meghalaya and explore it’s beauty.

U Tirot Sing, a tribal chief known as “the Hero of the Khasi Hills”, declared war against the British for their attempts to take over control of the Khasi Hills and led an attack on the colonial forces on April 8, 1829.

He was captured four years later after the Anglo-Khasi War and died in the Dhaka Central Jail on 17 July 1835.

The unveiling and associated events were made possible through the combined efforts of Meghalaya’s Department of Arts and Culture, supported by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Indian High Commission in Dhaka, Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), and Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre (IGCC).

Two animated books on the life of U Tirot Sing Syiem were also released on the occasion.

A cultural programme under the theme “U Syiem Tirot Sing – U Khla Wait Ka Ri Khasi” is also scheduled for today evening at Jatiya Natyashala Milanayatan of Bangladesh Shilpakala in Dhaka.

The programme is being jointly organised by the IGCC and the Department of Arts and Culture in collaboration with the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.

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