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President Solih Appeals for Speaker Nasheed’s Endorsement and Postpones Referendum Discussions

Regarding the constitutional referendum, President Solih and Nasheed agreed to address this matter after the conclusion of the presidential runoff.

September 24, 2023 12:59 pm

Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed (R) meets with President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (L) at the President's Office on September 24, 2023.
Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed (R) meets with President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (L) at the President’s Office on September 24, 2023.

Malé: President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has disclosed that he sought Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed’s endorsement for the upcoming presidential runoff during their recent meeting on Sunday. Nasheed, a prominent figure behind The Democrats, visited the President’s Office on Sunday morning to engage in discussions with President Solih.

Following the meeting, President Solih shared that their conversation revolved around current political developments in the Maldives. This included discussions on the recent parliamentary resolution instructing the Elections Commission (EC) to organize a constitutional referendum to determine the country’s system of governance. Additionally, they discussed the impending presidential runoff scheduled for September 30th.

President Solih noted that The Democrats had affirmed their commitment to maintain a neutral stance in the runoff. However, during their Sunday meeting, the President and Nasheed explored the possibility of Nasheed’s individual endorsement, though further details will be disclosed at a later time.

Regarding the constitutional referendum, President Solih and Nasheed agreed to address this matter after the conclusion of the presidential runoff.

The resolution calling for a constitutional referendum, submitted by Hulhudhoo MP Ilyas Labeeb, was passed by the Parliament on Wednesday with unanimous support from 35 MPs, including some from the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). The referendum was a precondition set by The Democrats for forming a coalition with the MDP for the presidential runoff.

However, President Solih emphasized that holding a constitutional referendum before the runoff is unfeasible, with the Elections Commission (EC) citing legal obligations that must be fulfilled before any election. The President reiterated his stance on the system of governance, despite his agreement to hold a referendum.

Speaker Nasheed’s meeting with President Solih followed an unsuccessful attempt to meet with former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayyoom, leader of the opposition PPM-PNC coalition, to discuss the constitutional referendum. Yameen, who is currently incarcerated, declined Nasheed’s request for a meeting.

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