Sri LankaEconomic Diplomacy

USD 200 Mn for welfare benefits: SL Cabinet nod to sign WB agreement

July 25, 2023 12:45 pm

USD 200 Mn for welfare benefits: SL Cabinet nod to sign WB agreement
USD 200 Mn for welfare benefits: SL Cabinet nod to sign WB agreement

Colombo: The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to sign an agreement with the World Bank to obtain USD 200 million, Cabinet Spokesman Minister Bandula Gunawardana said.

The World Bank has agreed to grant USD 200 million in three components namely USD 185 million to be allocated for the ‘Aswesuma’ welfare benefit scheme, USD 7 million for a pilot project to economically assist selected beneficiaries and another USD 8 million to strengthen the entire project management and social security system under the project, the Minister explained.

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