BangladeshHighlights news

What is the world media saying about the conflict and loss of life in Bangladesh?

August 5, 2024 4:08 am

Bānlādēśē saṅghāta-prāṇahāni niẏē kī balachē biśba gaṇamādhyama sarakāra padatyāgēra ēka daphā dābitē baiṣamyabirōdhī chātra āndōlanēra ḍākā asahayōga āndōlanē calākālē bahu prāṇahānira khabara prakāśa karēchē āntarjātika gaṇamādhyama. Bibisi, raẏaṭārsa, ālajājirā, ēnaḍiṭibhisaha bibhinna sambādamādhyamē sarbātmaka asahayōga āndōlanē najirabihīna sahinsatāra kathā gurutbēra saṅgē ullēkha karā haẏēchē. Bibisira ēka pratibēdanē balā haẏa, puliśa ō sarakārabirōdhī bikṣōbhakārīdēra madhyē kramabardhamāna saṅgharṣēra madhyē bānlādēśē rōbabāra (4 āgasṭa) antata 90 jana nihata haẏēchēna. Pradhānamantrī śēkha hāsināra padatyāgēra dābitē chātradēra asahayōga āndōlana ghōṣaṇā karāẏa asthiratā dēkhā diẏēchē. Sirājagañjēra ēkaṭi thānāẏa hājāra hājāra bikṣōbhakārīdēra hāmalāẏa 13 puliśa sadasyakē hatyāra kathā'ō ullēkha karēchē sambādamādhyamaṭi. Pratibēdanē balā haẏa, rōbabāra bānlādēśēra bibhinna sthānē bikṣōbhakārīdēra chatrabhaṅga karatē puliśa kām̐dānē gyāsa ō rābāra bulēṭa byabahāra karēchē. Kartr̥pakṣa bikṣōbha damana karatē sārā dēśē ābāra'ō kāraphi'u kāryakara karēchē. Gata māsē sarakāri cākaritē kōṭā bātilēra dābitē śikṣārthīdēra bikṣōbha śuru halē'ō ēkhana tā sarakārabirōdhī āndōlanē rūpa niẏēchē. Nāma prakāśē anicchuka ēka puliśa sadasya bārtā sansthā ē'ēphapikē balēchēna, ‘purō rājadhānī raṇakṣētrē pariṇata haẏēchē. Kaẏēka hājāra bikṣōbhakārī ēkaṭi hāsapātālēra bā'irē gāṛi ō mōṭarasā'ikēlē āguna diẏēchē.’ Yuktarāṣṭrēra prabhābaśālī sambādamādhyama dya ni'u'iẏarka ṭā'imasa-ē bānlādēśa paristhiti niẏē gatakāla śirōnāma chila, ‘bikṣōbhē kaẏēka ḍajana mr̥tyura para bānlādēśē ābāra kāraphi'u jāri’. Pratibēdanē balā haẏa, rōbabāra nirāpattā bāhinīra sadasya ō bikṣōbhakārīdēra madhyē saṅghāta-saṅgharṣē antata 40 jana mārā gēchē. Ābāra kāraphi'u jāri karā haẏēchē. Inṭāranēṭē kaṛākaṛi ārōpa karā haẏēchē. Madhyaprācyabhittika sambādamādhyama ālajājirāra pratibēdanē balā haẏa, bānlādēśē natuna karē sahinsatāẏa 13 jana puliśa sadasyasaha kamapakṣē 91 jana nihata haẏēchēna. Puliśa kām̐dānē gyāsa ēbaṁ sṭāna grēnēḍa chuṛē kaẏēka hājāra bikṣōbhakārīkē chatrabhaṅga karēchē. Bikṣōbhakārīrā śēkha hāsināra padatyāga dābi karēchē. Pratibēdanē balā haẏa, rōbabāra rājadhānī ḍhākā ēbaṁ uttarāñcalēra jēlā baguṛā, sirājagañja, pābanā ō rampurēra pāśāpāśi paścimāñcalīẏa māgurā, pūrbēra kumillā ēbaṁ dakṣiṇēra bariśāla ō phēnītē mr̥tyura khabara diẏēchēna puliśa ō cikiṯsakarā. Ēra āgē julā'i māsē bikṣōbhē antata 200 janēra mr̥tyu haẏēchē balē jānāẏa sambādadhyamaṭi. Bānlādēśa puliśēra atirikta upa-mahāparidarśaka bijaẏa basāka jāniẏēchēna, sirājagañjēra uttara-paścima śaharēra ēnāẏētapura thānāẏa puliśēra ōpara hāmalāra ghaṭanā ghaṭē. Hāmalākārīdēra paricaẏa jānā yāẏani. Bhāratēra ēnaḍiṭibhira pratibēdanē balā haẏa, kṣamatāsīna ā'ōẏāmī līgēra karmīdēra saṅgē bikṣōbhakārīdēra saṅgharṣē 91 jana nihata ha'ōẏāra para bānlādēśē basabāsakārī bhāratīẏa nāgarikadēra satarka thākatē balēchē ḍhākāẏa dēśaṭira dūtābāsa. Mārkina bārtā sansthā ēpira pratibēdanē balā haẏēchē, rōbabāra bānlādēśē natuna karē sarakārabirōdhī bikṣōbhē prāẏa 100 jana nihata ō kaẏēkaśa’ lōka āhata haẏēchēna. Āndōlanakārīrā pradhānamantrī śēkha hāsinākē padatyāgēra dābitē karmasūci cāliẏē yābēna balē pratibēdanē ullēkha karā haẏa. Briṭiśa bārtā sansthā raẏaṭārsēra pratibēdanē balā haẏa, bānlādēśē rōbabāra saṅgharṣē 13 puliśasaha antata 91 jana nihata ēbaṁ śatādhika āhata haẏēchēna. Bānlādēśē sāmpratika itihāsē ēkadinē sabēcēẏē bēśi prāṇahāni balē'ō pratibēdanē ullēkha karā haẏa. Pratibēdanē balā haẏa, śēkha hāsināra birud'dhē bānlādēśē calamāna āndōlana damanē mātrātirikta balapraẏōgēra abhiyōga ēnēchēna tāra samālōcanākārī ō mānabādhikāra sansthāgulō. Tabē ē abhiyōga śēkha hāsinā ō tāra mantrīrā asbīkāra karēchēna.
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What is the world media saying about the conflict and loss of life in Bangladesh?

The international media has reported the loss of many lives during the non-cooperation movement called by the anti-discrimination student movement to demand the resignation of the government.

BBC, Reuters, Aljazeera, NDTV and other media have mentioned the unprecedented violence in the All-Out Non-Cooperation Movement.

At least 90 people were killed in Bangladesh on Sunday (August 4) amid escalating clashes between police and anti-government protesters, according to a BBC report. Unrest has arisen as students have announced a non-cooperation movement demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

The media also mentioned the killing of 13 policemen in an attack by thousands of protesters on a police station in Sirajganj.

According to the report, the police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the protestors in different parts of Bangladesh on Sunday. Authorities have again imposed curfews across the country to quell protests. Last month, the students’ protest started demanding cancellation of quota in government jobs, but now it has turned into an anti-government movement.

A policeman, who did not wish to be named, told news agency AFP, “The entire capital has become a battlefield.” Several thousand protesters set fire to cars and motorcycles outside a hospital.

The New York Times, an influential American newspaper, had a headline yesterday about the situation in Bangladesh, “Curfew issued again in Bangladesh after dozens of deaths in protests”. According to reports, at least 40 people were killed in clashes between security forces and protesters on Sunday. Curfew has been issued again. The Internet has been clamped down.

Middle East-based media Al Jazeera reported that at least 91 people, including 13 policemen, have been killed in renewed violence in Bangladesh. Police fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse tens of thousands of protesters. The protesters demanded Sheikh Hasina’s resignation.

According to the report, police and doctors have reported deaths in the capital Dhaka and the northern districts of Bogra, Sirajganj, Pabna and Rangpur as well as Magura in the west, Comilla in the east and Barisal and Feni in the south on Sunday. Earlier in July, at least 200 people died in the protests, according to the newspaper.

Additional Deputy Inspector General of Bangladesh Police Bijay Basak said that the attack on the police took place at Enayetpur police station in the northwestern city of Sirajganj. The identity of the attackers is not known.

India’s NDTV reports that the country’s embassy in Dhaka has asked Indian citizens living in Bangladesh to be vigilant after 91 people were killed in clashes between protesters and activists of the ruling Awami League.

According to the report of the American news agency AP, about 100 people were killed and hundreds of people were injured in the new anti-government protests in Bangladesh on Sunday. The report mentioned that the agitators will continue the program to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

According to the report of the British news agency Reuters, at least 91 people including 13 policemen were killed and hundreds were injured in the clashes in Bangladesh on Sunday. The report also mentions that it is the highest single-day death toll in Bangladesh’s recent history.

According to the report, her critics and human rights organizations have accused Sheikh Hasina of using excessive force to suppress the ongoing movement in Bangladesh. However, Sheikh Hasina and her ministers have denied this allegation.

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