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A Hero’s Triumph on Everest: Jigme Pelden Dorji’s Journey

May 28, 2024 9:03 am

…only motive was to raise  the national flag on top of Mt. Everest
…only motive was to raise the national flag on top of Mt. Everest

Thimphu:  Lieutenant Jigme Pelden Dorji’s triumphant return to Bhutan after conquering Mount Everest on May 20th has captured the nation’s attention. However, amidst the celebration of his remarkable achievement, Jigme humbly emphasized that the title of being the first Bhutanese to summit Everest isn’t his focus. Rather, he believes that any Bhutanese reaching the pinnacle of Everest brings honor to the country.

Addressing the speculation surrounding Karma Gyeltshen’s claim as the first Bhutanese to ascend Everest, Jigme expressed his happiness at the prospect, emphasizing the collective pride Bhutan feels for each of its citizens who accomplishes such a feat.

Jigme’s ascent, however, was not without its challenges. He recounted the perilous nature of the journey, highlighting the risks climbers face, including oxygen deprivation, slippery terrain, and falling ice. Tragically, nine climbers lost their lives during Jigme’s expedition, underscoring the dangers inherent in Everest’s unforgiving landscape.

Reflecting on his own near-death experience at the infamous Hillary Step, Jigme recounted a moment of crisis where his guide’s quick thinking and sacrifice saved his life. This brush with mortality serves as a poignant reminder of the inherent uncertainties of Everest’s treacherous terrain.

Financially, summiting Everest is no small feat, with Jigme investing a substantial sum in expedition fees and specialized gear. Grateful for the support of his sponsors, he expressed his appreciation by proudly displaying their logos atop Everest, a gesture symbolizing his gratitude for their contributions to his journey.

Jigme’s path to Everest began with an invitation from Passang Tenzin Sherpa of Nepal’s Pioneer Adventure Pvt Ltd, a testament to the collaborative spirit of mountaineering. His rigorous training regimen and acclimatization efforts, combined with his determination, propelled him towards success.

As Jigme returned home to a hero’s welcome, he was greeted by a jubilant crowd of family, officials, and admirers. Amidst traditional Bhutanese ceremonies, he offered words of encouragement to Bhutanese youth, urging them to pursue their dreams with diligence and determination.

Indeed, Jigme Pelden Dorji’s remarkable achievement serves as an inspiration to all, embodying the spirit of resilience and perseverance that defines the Bhutanese ethos. His journey stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the boundless heights that can be reached with unwavering resolve.

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